
What kind of box do i need to fit my 2x12'' jbl gt5, ported or sealed?

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  1. sealed enclosures are great for rock jazz classical music. if you want to pound always go ported. if you have to room to give up why not use it?

  2. Sealed Enclosures

    Straightforward in design, the sealed box is nothing more than an airtight enclosure whose purpose is to enhance speaker performance. When a woofer is installed in one, the sound waves that emanate from the front of the speaker cone are separated from the rear-firing waves. This improves bass response, since opposing waves can cancel each other out when they aren't isolated. Superb damping, good power-handling capability, and simplicity of construction make the sealed-box enclosure an ideal candidate for a variety of installations.

    Vented Enclosures

    Vented enclosures – also known as ported or bass-reflex systems – are more complex than sealed boxes, but the extra construction work required to install a vent has its rewards. Vented boxes are more efficient than their sealed counterparts, since they channel sound waves from the front and rear of the cone into the listening environment. Other virtues of the vented design include better reproduction of low bass, a reasonably flat response curve, and low distortion – provided the box is properly constructed.

    ...Bottom line is: If you want a tight low base (which requires more power out of your amps), get a sealed box. But if you want a fuller less "accurate" sound, go with ported.

    My two cents... if your going to have 2x12", you're gonna have enough base to fill up your car anyways, so go with sealed... they always sound better to me!

    Good luck!

  3. Im not sure but your new name is BOXMAN.

  4. i always go with ported. just cause.. where else does the air go o.O

    all i know is you gotta make sure u have the right volume when it comes to ported enclosures..

    it can get so technical. i swear to god a sub in a box is just a sub in a box.

  5. Base your decision on the music you play and the kind of bass you want.  

    If you listen to classical, jazz, rock, metal then a sealed enclosure works best.  A sealed enclosure will yield tight, accurate bass.

    If you listen to Pop, R & B, Rap then a ported enclosure will work best.  A ported enclosure will yield booming, higher output bass.

    Have fun.

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