
What kind of breed do you think my foster dog is? (Picture)?

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The one on the left, without the toy in her mouth and brown and white fur:

We think she is a jack Russel mixed with beagle (the ears)

But we don't know how she got the brindle. Maybe a Boston terrier also?

(P.S, when they l**k each other does it mean they like each other or does it mean something else?)

What do you guys think? Thanks!




  1.     From the pic she looks too big to be a beagle or JRT or Boston so I'd say some Pitbull plus. Hwo much does she weigh and age? If full grown and 20lbs or under then boston is possible..

  2. pit, jack russel, beagle, terrier mix maybe i have a shepard beagle pit bull that looks like that only not brindle ;)

  3. Definitely part hound. Look up a Plott hound, they look a lot like her, but I doubt if she's part Plott, because they aren't very popular yet.

    If they're l*****g each other, it means they like each other. Not in love, just that they like each other. I've got a female lab, and when our male pug was a puppy, she used to pin him down and give him a bath. Now she's doing the same to our female golden retriever puppy, but the puppy's getting to be kind of big for it.

    By the way, those dogs are adorable!

  4. My first guess would be that she's a Pit/Lab mix.

    Second would be Dane/Lab mix or a Greyhound/ Lab mix, Because I haven't really seen those shades of brown mixed together on any other breeds.

  5. Beagle Boston Terrier mix

  6. Oh boy that is a tricky one isn't it?  What is her tail like?  That might give you some clues.  

    I hate to be a broken record but I almost want to say there's some Pit in there.  So many mixed breeds have Pit in them.  Although I don't know that Pit/Beagle (does look beagle-ie) is a likely mix... small pit/lab/beagle?  

  7. I don't know, but it looks like a pit bull mix with aomething else his face sorta looks like a pit bull...Btw They are both sooooo adorable!Good luck!=)

  8. First of all she is ADORABLE!

    I think she is a beagle/boston terrier cross. Those are at least the most obvious breeds I think. Could be a bit of lab in there too. Don't know for sure though. Either way, she is too cute!

  9. Awwww. She's SOOOOO cute!

    I honestly don't know alot about dog breeds, but I just had to say that. Cutest thing ever!! :]

  10. i think that your right that its beagle x  jack russel x boston terrier...mayberodhesian rigdeback also not shure maybe not......hes really cute  

  11. pug and a beagle definitely and a jack russell terrier. she iz very cute by da way.

  12. mixed terrier  

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