
What kind of bug bites?

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A few days ago I got about 10 little bug bites on the inside of my shins. They were about 1 mm, very tiny. I could barely notice them unless I looked close. They were extremely itchy as well.

Then, the next day I woke up with even more of these little bites too many to count on my right leg and maybe around 30 on the left. They had gotten significantly redder and more raised.

Then the next day the bites had multiplied a little more but they are starting to travel up my leg. Some on the back of my knee and some on my upper right thigh.

What kind of bugs do these sound like? I think they are mites but not sure which kind. The bites are too small to be flea bites and probably too many to be spider bites.

What can I do to get rid of these bugs (besides washing my sheets, since I am doing so at the moment)? And what can I do to minimize the appearance of these bites?

Any help is appreciated!




  1. Take an antihistamine and a cool bath.

    It sounds like they may be bed bugs. Wash your sheets in hot water and put them in the dryer. Your mattress and box spring will need to be treated by a pest control company. They can get out of control.

    For now, until its been treated, sleep on the couch.

  2. Sounds like a skin infection, Time to call the Doc,

    Hope you heal  quickly.

    Jerry L

  3. do imsect bombs in your house you can buy then at a hardware store adn set them off in your house. that will get rid of them

    ive encountered that problem before.

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