
What kind of bug is this? AND HOW DO I GET RID OF IT?!!!?

by Guest56877  |  earlier

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ok ever since summer break has started, these DISCUSTING bugs have invaded my house and are driving me crazy!! they're ruining my summer vacation!! >=(

i drew a picture of it, pleaasssee tell me what kind of bug it is (i live in northeastern illinois, in suburbs 30 min away from chicago) =

ya...ive been seeing them like everywhere in my house and its driving me crazy. weird thing too, my house is very clean, so i dont understand why they are coming from. another weird thing, i mostly find them in my upstairs hallway for some reason. i look up when im in it (it has a high ceiling) and see at least 5 of them somewhere there. and i normally dont see them in morning tho.. We have a large window in this hallway, but its locked VERY tightly. another thing is, we had a fire alarm removed, and theres a hole in the wall like 20 feet up there. could they be coming from there? also, how do i get rid of them? i always kill them whenever i




  1. It looks like some type of beetle.  You didn't say what color these were.  Maybe black or brown?  Could be a beetle.  Does it have lines running down its back on the shell?  I live in northern Ohio and I've seen something very similar to the picture you drew, but not in my house.  Just outside.  I'd call an exterminator.  They will know exactly what they are, plus get rid of them.  Bugs are creepy, aren't they?

  2. If the infestion is that bad it would be smart to call an exterminator. They work and if they dont dont then usually they will redo the house for free. And you can always stay at a fridns house in the meantime. I hate bugs to. I'm so terrified of them i cant even kill them because i hate hearing the crunch! D :

  3. house centipede

    they look like this (hope it doesn't scare you):

    they creep me out too

    the only way to get rid of them is exterminate them and seal any crack and holes in your home because that is where they hide.

  4. tehy are probably weavles....

    call the pest control thats in your area like termanix or orkin they took care of them right away!! but it takes a while for all of them to die...


    its a flesh eating insect.

    just kidding, but seriously how are we supposed to tell with this little cartoon picture you drew?

  6. silverfish, spray poison around drains and moist areas, they are very hard to get rid of.

  7. That could be a hundred different insects. Take an actual picture and maybe we can help you. Good luck

  8. Your picture looks like a silverfish or a firebrat

    I used to have them pretty bad in an apartment I lived in. They eat books, papers, boxes, etc.  I recommend calling an exterminator.  Good luck!

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