
What kind of bug is this and is it dangerous???

by  |  earlier

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except the body is black with white stripes,

the legs are red at the tops and black near the bottom,

it has an intennas that are black then white then black again...

so do you know what this bug is and is it at all dangerous..

sorry this is kinda a stupid question but i just found one in the kitchen and it freaked me out when I saw the tail or stinger or whatever it is lol...But I have never seen one of these before either...

so thanks for all and any help




  1. you should ask your  local vet, spca organization or the you could even the keepers at the zoo

  2. If it really bothers you go on the web and search bugs in your area

    =P Maybe you'll learn something new

  3. where do you live?

  4. quit asking please.

  5. i think its a mosquito a really big mosquito

  6. Ichneumon wasp ( Megarhyssa macrurus lunator) - Its a female in your photo and the long thing on her tail is an egg laying ovipositor. Brown body with black and yellow markings and clear wings. The one you describe is Ichneumon Wasp - (Rhyssella) species is black with white markings. Poistive ID don't you think?

    It can sting.

  7. I really do not know!!

  8. problably not

  9. when in doubt, snuff it out ;)

  10. No, it's not dangerous, and that's not a stinger.  

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