
What kind of bug is this???

by  |  earlier

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its black with a gloss blueish green it has long legs, intenas, yellow wings, and looks like pinchers i found him outside my dog was trying to eat it.





  1. It looks like some sort of wasp. I am not really sure, it is hard to see in the photos.

  2. Well, I'd really love to see the actual colors. But from the shadow looking figure, it looks like a wasp. Even though that's not what color wasps usually are, it's what it looks like.

  3. it looks like somekind of mutant wasp/ant thingy

  4. maybe some sort of wasp or hornet.

  5. idk, those pics are bad quality, but if i seen that bug it'd scare the living heebie jeebies out of me!!!

  6. i dunno what the normal term is but i call them Flying Ants...and BEWARE they sting and hurt they c**p i had one sting me and left a ring of bruises

  7. looks weird? I dont know though

  8. Since you have seen it , your eyes can ID them better here -

  9. its hard to tell with those pictures

  10. Flying Ant.


    If its butt is realy big, its the queen, if not, just a normal flying ant.

  11. a bug...

  12. im not completly sure? my best geuss would be a flying ant. but it might also be a wasp or something

  13. it is so blurry

    but it looks like a hornet to me

  14. maybe a green bug...

  15. a squirrel monkey

  16. Its body shape is that of a wasp. What it is exactly would depend on where you are, where it was exactly (e.g. coming out of a hole in the ground, or on a wooden fence), and how big it was. If it's blue-ish it could be a blue mud wasp. They are fairly common. If you are in southern California, they are very common (their scientific name is even Chalybion  californicum).

    Here's an article about them:

    Unlike other wasps, they generally don't attack people unless you mess with them, and can be beneficial because they kill spiders like black widows. They are also known as blue mud daubers.

    Here's an article on mud daubers:

    But in any case, I wouldn't let your dog eat them. It's likely to make them mad, and can't be good for the dog. And yes, wasps sting. Not only that, but unlike most bees, a single (female) wasp can sting multiple times.

  17. In the last two pictures it looks a little like a wasp in the first two it looks like an ant.

  18. Something that stings/bites. stay away!

  19. it looks like a yellow jacket (bee).

  20. hard to tell. looks like something that stings... be careful.

  21. Altho the pics are not real clear, it appears to be some sort of bee.

  22. its a rabbit wall spider. they are very very popular in New Jersey

  23. It's a mud dauber. Basically a wasp that lives in the ground in tiny holes. They're usually more angry than regular wasps. I'd kill it if I were you... They're all over in Florida. Hate 'em.

  24. hob skeltor

  25. it looks like some sort of beatle or fly...

  26. well, it looks too me as an ant or a beetle. thats my closest quess so hoper that helped you =).

  27. looks like

    Hybrid spicies between HouseFly & Ant

    i mean.. House Fly must have focked an Ant

    and the resulted this new creature

    Dont kill it

    just throw away in bushes


  28. I love how people post what is this? then the picture is nondescript blurry and has a flash showing up. I don't know if this really even is a bug.

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