
What kind of bugs are these?

by  |  earlier

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I have found alot of very tiny black bugs on my bathroom floor and in my bathtub. I believe they may even be able to jump alittle. They almost resemble fleas, they are smaller than fleas. I have no idea what they are, but it is driving me crazy just because they are in my house.




  1. water bekochus. they swim in water and are related to arachnids. id find a nest. Try to find it by the smell of mold or soggy old stuff. if so id use a spray paint can but fill it with water then spray them for a non messy project. this will just block of their breathing for a couple seconds. have with you some food and spread it on the floor but before this put some bugspray on the food. this will poison them when they consume it. or you could take all they trying to find them with a bug spray can. but the food brings em out.


  3. Ummm...maybe they are ants?? Possibly queen ants. Or fleas. How big are they?

  4. ...or tiny beetles. Once my kitchen was visited by the little guys.

  5. They are probably just springtail fleas, which aren't fleas at all, they're arthropods. They are driven into a home during periods of wet weather. They don't bite, don't carry disease, and won't lay eggs in your carpeting. They like moist areas and eat fungi and mold. Once in the house, they will nest in drains, and other moist places. You can kill them by cleaning window sills, bare floors and door thresholds with bleach diluted in water, about 1 capful bleach to a gallon of water. You can get them out of your drains with any ENZYME based drain cleaner. That will clean the sludge out of the pipes and remove the food source. Only ENZYME based cleaners will work. Good luck :)

  6. They might be ticks, but if they were I doubt there would be that many... Maybe beetles?

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