
What kind of bunny should i get? additional info ?

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i would like a bunny that is small,(that will stay small) short hair, really cute :D, and doesn't kick a lot. also any other additional info you know about taking care of a rabbit. buy 1 at the pet store, breeder?




  1. First off, any bunny can kick. That is not a genetic thing, it all depends on their disposition and how they were raised.

    Small bunnies include:

    Netherland Dwarf (smallest)

    Holland Lop (friendliest)


    Mini Rex (really soft)


    Those are just a few of the most common rabbits. I suggest getting a Holland Lop. They are small and have great personalities. I breed them. Take a look at my website: I don't know where you are located, you may be to far. I can help you find a breeder. I don't suggest a pet store. Many of them are too young and they can get sick and may die. Also, from a breeder you know where the rabbit came from and that it didn't come from an irresponsible "backyard breeder".

  2. Dwarf Hotot is the smallest bunny i believe, it is also short hair.

    And definitely buy from a breeder, not a store (try or  

  3. Try looking at the ARBA website They provide some pictures of all the breeds of rabbits  look on the side at Breeds. You can then decide what you would like.  

  4. Small breeds are most likely to become aqqressive. But I personally think Lionhead Rabbits are so adorable! <33333. =) I may be qettinq one for my birthday in less than two weeks.

    But if you want a rabbit that is qental nd nice I recommend qettinq a dutch.

  5. Before you buy a rabbit, be sure you really want one.  Yea, they're cute but they are messy.  Their pee smells really strong because of the ammonia in it.  If you are keeping it in your house, make sure it gets good ventilation and that you clean up after it.  If you're sure you want a rabbit, I would buy a rabbit from a breeder because some rabbits at pet stores are sick.  I would recommend a Netherland dwarf, hotot, or a mini rex rabbit because they are small and easy to handle.  Be sure to give your smaller rabbits lots of attention because they will become bored.  Some rabbits bite and scratch, but if you spend time with them they are more likely to be friendlier.  Bunnies are very fun to watch and hold.  They are adventurous and love attention.  Good luck!

  6. The rabbits that stay smallest are mini dwarf lop rabbits and netherland dwarf rabbits.

    Netherlands are a bit grumpy but, will stay smaller than mini lops. Female mini lops can be a bit grumpy too, but the males are usually lovely and affectionate.

    Mini lops are difficult to get hold of so you would probably have to go to a breeder for one. A Netherland you could probably get from a pet shop or a breeder. Where ever you get it from you need to make sure it is alert and healthy.

    If you don't have the time to give plenty of attention to one rabbit, it's best to get 2 as they are very social animals but, aim to get them from the same litter and then get them neutered.

  7. Dwarf rabbits stay small, and are so cute!!

    But instead of buying one from a store or breeder, why not get it from the ASPCA or a local animal shelter?

    Will probably be hand-tame and healthy! And you will be given a animal a second chance!

    Good luck !!

  8. Adopt

  9. I have a netherland dwarf, he is really small and is only two pounds and is fully grown. Only thing is he is quite timid and will probably always be that way. I love him to pieces but if I had my time again I would have gotten a Flemish Giant. They are massive but are known as 'gentle giants'. Bigger rabbits are friendlier then the small breeds. This forum, is really good, everyone is friendly and helpful.

  10. All bunnies are cute and make fabulous pets!  Make sure you read up on care through rabbit care websites ( and are all good) The most important advice I can give you is to bunny proof the intended area, rabbits are incredibly good and fast at destroying your favourite items!  

    Your local rescue home will have rabbits in need of new homes, one of mine is a rescue rabbit and he's very loving and well behaved (and probably the cutest bunny you'll ever see!) If there are none in the home I would next recommend a breeder as they can tell you history, birthdays and far more information, pet shops usually haven't a clue about the rabbit, and they quite often aren't cared for in the best way.  

    Any dwarf rabbit will suit, but larger bunnies tend to be more chilled out and happier about being handled, groomed etc., and they're easier to find!!  The best way not to be kicked is to pick up your rabbit correctly, one hand under the abdomen and the other supporting the rear and hind legs, a rabbit can fracture its spine or legs if it kicks out awkwardly.

    Good luck!  I hope your bunny brings you many hours of joy, entertainment and love.  

  11. I would actually adopt a rabbit, I have a variety of rescued and non rescued rabbits. And the ones that I have rescued when they were older were actually easier to liter train and they are more calm. Some of them might take more time to get use to but overall an older rabbit would be better.  Rabbits are like humans, with that they do go through their "teenage days" and trust me those are not fun

  12. I personally recommend the dutch, Holland lop, or mini rex

    Dwarf bunnies are cute-But they are known to act aggressively towards humans.

    Dutch rabbits have a sweet personality, and are very well mannered and gentle tempered

    Holland lops- Are so friendly, and cute! They are also very well mannered

    As for mini Rex's their soft and are like a velveteen feeling.

    Their known to be friendly and have great personalities, however I have had bad experiences with mini Rex's.

    Above all I recommend a dutch rabbit but here are some images of the breeds I listed

    Black Dutch-

    Broken colored mini Rex's

    Broken colored holland lop

    Each of these comes in different coat patterns, the broken oens also come in solid colors.

    The dutches have the same coat pattern, but come in different varieties of colors.

    Theres also albino, and californian rabbits, which I dislike because they get big, and tend to have red eyes, which I strongly dislike.

    But there are also many other varieties of rabbits to choose from, but the ones I listed pictures of are what I recommend, if you would like to find out more on these breeds, email me, and also try going to

    the ARBA heres the website

    I also like the look of the English spot

    But they can get fairly big

    Or what about a mini lop?

    Mini's are much like holland lops

    heres a picture

    If you need ANY info at all on bunnies email me at!

    Anytime, I'l lrespond as soon as I get the message!

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