
What kind of bush or tree should i get?

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soo i live in kansas and i need a bush or tree [something that will cover from floor to 6ft high] see i live in a nicer neighborood and so they have a bunch of rules like you cant have a wood fence c**p like that and i want to build a little clubhouse in my back yard but its against the rules to have any type of shed and stuff there are no houses behind me and there is a brick wall about 6 ft high that would be one of the walls [the club house would probably be about 6ft hight or shorter] so since we cant get a fence to hide it i need a bush of some kind to cover it up i need something that will grow fast because the neighborhood dude that creates the rules sometimes checks the backyards, umm yeahh...




  1. You left out the most important information. Sun or Shade? Morning sun or afternoon sun?

  2. well as long as you have 'some' sun, a  great cover-up that is usually affordable, would be a couple of arborvitae.  you can buy them mid summer fairly cheap and often places have taller ones available. [5-6ft.]  our neighbors just got some for $7 and they're about 4ft. tall.  after the first year, they really take-off.  always remember lots of watering and they love miracid, by miracle-gro  -  every week till winter then again next summer.  some get very tall, some just 10ft.  birds love them and you will too.

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