
What kind of cage do you keep your hamster in?

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And what kind of hamster do you have?




  1. I have Syrians, Siberians, and robo's....I keep them in all the same type cages, but they don't live together if that is what you are thinking(and i have 3 russian dwarfs)

    and many more homes like the last 2

  2. Crittertrail two  $40.00 good cage i hace my two robovroski's  hamsters in here. Good pets

  3. I have my Russian Cambell Dwarf Hamster in a CritterTrail Z cage with an attachment to make it more fun for my hamster.

  4. I have a Syrian hamster, and I have this cage, but I doubled the cages so now my little Wheels (my hamsters name) has two cages that are connected.

  5. I have a syrian named Bijou in a huge sterilite bin cage, a winter white named Cujo in a 20 gallon aquarium, and a robo dwarf named Cocoa in a 20 gallon aquarium.. Cujo & Cocoa are also moving to bin cages soon though (once I buy more supplies and actually make them).  I've tried almost every kind of storebought cage and haven't liked any of them except the tanks, and the sterilite bins are even larger than the tanks I have.

  6. I have a Syrian. She was first housed in one of those "Getting Started" kit cages, but you should NEVER HOUSE HER THERE! THOSE R HORRIBLE!!!

    Anyway, after that I got a bigger cage for her, and she like dit fine. But soon enough, she was too big, and we put her in a rat's cage. (She does NOT live with a rat!) Now I think she will never grow too big for it. She has been living there for 1 and a half years there. If you ever buy one, get her the biggest cage possible, you hear?

  7. I have a dwarf hamster and i keep him in a critter trail cage. I like these cages because the bars are close together so your hammy can't escape. The are easy to take apart to clean and you can bu expansion packs and tubes to give your hamster more hiding spots and fun. They also come with some absolute musts, like a wheel, food dish water bottle and some come with tubes and  a half of a secound level. The plastic doesn't breack super easily, but you still have to be careful. They also have space for your hamster to just roam, and it is important for your hamster to have some roaming space. The cage, tubes and extra hideouts are all very colourful, and the see through areas and tubes are made so that not a whole lot of light will come through, making it easyer on your hamsters eyes.

    I have a dwarf hamster!!! They rock!!!

  8. I have a femal Syrian Teddy Bear hamster.

    I have 3 Crittertrail cages. They are all

    three connected and 2 of the 3 are very large.

    I prefer Syrian hamsters because they

    are known to bite less, but it depends on how

    good you treat your hamster and how often

    you handle him/her. Teddy Bear hamsters

    are the long haired fluffy hamsters.

    I prefer plastic cages with some

    bars over barred cages because the barred cages

    are more dangerous. I have heard of a hamster

    that was climbing on the bars of it's barred cage,

    it fell, broke it's leg, and died. I also give my

    hamster a treat ( Fruit, Vegetable) once in a while.

    Hope this helped!


    Ours are based on 105 qt Sterilite containers. They are huge compared to store bought ones and have numerous advantages.

    I'm a grown-up who raised Syrians for several years as a kid. Have a younger brother who had hamsters. Now, raising Campbells with my kids. We've probably been through every type of cage imaginable and BY FAR, bin cages are the best.

    I still have my little brothers cages - hartz desert empire stuff - It easily fits INSIDE the bin cages with room left to spare.

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