
What kind of cage?

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i am getting 2 rats and i dont know what type of cage to get.




  1. The bigger the better. Must have...

    -Multiple Levels

    -Enough room to run

    -Wheel  Unless your cage has plenty of run around room.

    -Water bottle and food (Not Wire)

    Here are some good ones:

    (I would get a plastic wheel to replace this one)

    These are all good. And don't think that cheaper is better. Save up money so your rats can be happy :) Good luck.

  2. Super Pet My First Home for Exotics is an excellent cage for 2 rats. Gives them plenty of space for accessories and many sleeping spots to choose from. It is $99 at Petco/PetSmart but worth every penny. Only downside is that it comes with a wire mesh exercise wheel, and those are unsafe to little rat feet & tails, so it needs to be replaced with a plastic wheel, or just removed altogether.

  3. Go on, or They have a bunch of good choices.

  4. For two rats you need a pretty decent sized cage.  It should be a wire cage for good air circulation not an aquarium.  Plus aquariums are pretty heavy especially if you get the size that you really need.  Rats also like to climb and aquariums don't really provide that (again, unless it is huge).

    I suggest Martin's Cages.

    I have the Rat Tower which is an excellent size for two rats.  Get it powder coated and the flip top (makes it easier to clean).  I know it might seem expensive, but it is really a necessary investment towards their happiness.  This cage has the added advantage of being able to block off the bottom from the top section if necessary.  You can put some cardboard or something to block of the hole and keep your rats separate if necessary.  (Obviously this is only a short term/temporary solution.  Rats should each have their own food, water, etc. when you do this.)

    Since it is a wire cage, go out to your local hardware store and buy some cheap linoleum tile to apply to the floors.  You should actually do this for any wire floors, no matter what cage you decide to get.

    I also have a cheapo smaller cage from Petco/smart that I use when I need to transport them.  It was also useful after my one girl's surgery since she wasn't supposed to climb around a bunch.  Again, you should also put the tile on the wire floors.

    I've also included some sites below to further assist you regarding rat care.  Rats can live up to 5 years; make sure you do research and are willing to put in the commitment required.

    Lastly, if you decide to purchase rats, please check your local animal shelter first.  When they do have rats, they usually are there for many months and the need good homes.  The cost is usually similar to pet stores and the money goes back to the shelter to help save other animals vs a big corporation.

    Hope that helps!

  5. ditto the smiley face dude, petsmart or any pet store


  7. Bigger is better.

    Lots of place to run around, play and exercise .

    Its very important not to get the "wire bottom" (rabbit) cage, since their paws get stuck in there and they can twist them.

  8. something like this.

    or buy a aquarium and a tank topper
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