
What kind of calculator does high school student use sumwhere in year 12?

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issit the casiofx-350MS or?? which model?




  1. I just finished year 13 this year. I've done stats and maths all the way through at 2 different high schools.

    We've had to have a casio FX9750GPLUS

    It's the first one on that page. If you've got a younger sibling then I strongly recommend you buy one. If you don't then see if your school hires them out, I know both of my schools did. I also remember looking on trade me for them but they were close to RRP so you'd probably best to buy on if you can afford to.

    If you're planning on going to University then I think you should check with that university to see what they suggest. I know that Otago wont let you use that calculator there (because you can store stuff in the memory or something).


  2. TI 83 or TI 84 and the can use it in college

  3. it depends some use scientific calculators but others use one for drawing graphs.

  4. may b scientific

  5. Hey there my Friend!!!!!

    casio fx A300s

  6. Casio FX82 scientific calculator - can be bought at kmart and Coles supermarkets etc, at around $35.

    If you are in a special maths class (forget if it's A or B) but you need the Graphics Calculator - usually you can buy them at cost through your school for around $100.

  7. Leave it.

  8. i dont know the name, it blue and white with lots of buttons :o)

  9. is his'her choice.

    if he wants only simple arithmetic calculations, a general cal culator is the best.

    if he wants trigonometric/statictics or other calculations a scientific calculator will be the best.

    as I think a 12 yrs old boy will need a arithmetic calcu, but if he wanna cal the trigono. or stat. he may opt to scientific cal.

    casiofx-350MS  may be a scientific cal. i think it is good for the 12 year old boy.

    now u decide

    hope i could help u a bit

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