
What kind of camera should I get? Compact or DSLR?

by Guest56095  |  earlier

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So I'm moving to France for 8 months and while I'm exploring Europe I want a decent camera to bring with me. I think my parents are going to buy one for me as a going-away present. I'm not sure how much they're willing to spend. So I'm trying to decide what kind of camera I should get. Originally, I was thinking a decent compact camera would be best. That way I can throw it in my purse while I'm walking around or whatever. I won't have to worry as much about it getting stolen or broken and I won't look as much like a tourist. However, I've always wanted a DSLR. There's just so much more to do with a camera like that. I've always had a strong interest in photography and I know that with a camera like that I could really get into photography like I've always wanted to. My stepdad makes the argument that spending a lot of money on a camera is somewhat pointless because they keep getting better all the time and cheaper too. So I'm torn. I need some advice. Also what brands etc. are best?




  1. For such a trip like that I would actually suggest a DSLR-like camera. The Panasonic Z50 has a lot of feature you would find useful in your trip. First, Panasonic has a great lens (Leica). The  Z50 has a great zoom lens and equivalent to a film 35 mm camera that is 35-430 mm. For you to have that in a DSLR, it would cost you twice the price for a DSLR with a standard lens (more than $1000).  What is nice about a DSLR is that you can buy a lens that can go to 430 mm, but the Panasonic has it already on its Z50. Chosing between a compact and a DSLR - then if you go somewhere in between, it will be with the Z50. It also has a lot of feature that a DSLR has to offer.  Here's a site that might help you choose:

    The two DSLR are just for the body only (need to buy lens still). There is also a compact (Olympus 1030 SW) that is a really sturdy camera, if you decided to get a compact.  It is shockproof (within reason) and waterproof - which is the most common problem of any digital camera getting messed up. Check out Dell for a good price on the Panasonic.  Hope this help.

  2. Well the price of some DSLRs are actually quite low. For instance I really like the Olympus E410. It's one of the smallest DSLRs available. See these images and you'll see that it's compact and light enough to carry with you, but offers all the features and capability of a DSLR.

    Since you'll be visiting such a unique place as France, with all its photo opportunities, you'll want to be equipped with a very capable camera. I believe the Olympus E410 is a great camera for the traveler. It uses the 4/3 system so its lens are a fraction of the size of normal DSLR lens. This makes the entire camera system more compact.

    It's under $500 on Amazon.

    Edit: I also agree with ignoramus. The E420 is great, and its an update of the E410. It's more expensive though, but like he said, with the pancake lens its really compact.

  3. First. What do you want to do. Just take pictures in your travels or become an avid photographer. A compact is a point and shoot, thats it. A DSLR is a camera that challenges your ability to shoot pictures and affords you to be able too expand your photographic needs.

  4. here's a link to answer your question:

    what is suited for you..DSLR or compact

  5. Do not compromise. Go for a DSLR with compact camera size : The Olympus E-420. Small and if you couple it with the 25mm pancake lens, it's not much bigger than a compact!

    A DSLR camera has a much longer lifespan than a typical compact. If you understand photography, you will know that it's so much more than just a megapixel race (like what the manufacturer's of compacts are making you believe). A 6MP DSLR that have been discontinued is still as viable today as it was 3 to 5 years ago. This is because a DSLR produces much higher quality pictures than any compact can deliver. The 6MP DSLR can still easily beat 7MP, 8MP and even 10MP digital compact cameras of today.

    Furthermore, you can keep the lenses for DSLR if and when you upgrade to a newer body. For compacts, the lens get thrown out as well.

    If you are really keen on photography, go for the DSLR. You will eventually end up with a DSLR so why wait and agonise over the fact?

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