
What kind of car are you?

by  |  earlier

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This is fun!

Have you ever given thought as to what kind of car you might be if you were a car? Me neither, but a friend sent this link to me with the model of car they are.. I decided to check it out and took this quick twelve question test. After you find what type car you are, put it in the subject box and forward to your friends..





  1. I am a ferrari in paris

    Watch this bud.

  2. I'm a Porsche 911

    I wish :)

  3. According to the quiz I am a Chevrolet Corvette and according to the picture a red one.(I wish!)This quiz is entertaining but must not be very accurate.I drive a Dodge Neon.It's black.

  4. I think most Israelies are bulldozers i know its not a car but....


  5. I am either a Bugatti Veyron, A Formula 1 Mcclaren, an Aston Martin, a Ferrari or Zonda Lamborghini.

  6. You are a Porsche 911!

    You have a classic style, but you're up-to-date with the latest technology.  You're ambitious, competitive, and you love to win.  Performance, precision, and prestige - you're one of the elite, and you know it. LOL..ya right. Thanks for the morning laugh. Cheers!

  7. Porsche 911, ha

  8. I am a Lamborghini Murcielago.

    It says

    "You're not subtle, but you don't want to be.  Fast, loud, and dramatic, you want people to notice you, and then get out of the way.  In a world full of sheep, you're a raging bull."

    Non of this is true though but the test is funny. Thanks

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