
What kind of change is Obama calling for when his running mate is career politician?

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has Biden been waiting for a savior or messiah like obama to bring change Biden can beleive in...isntead of making changes before Obama came...




  1. After speaking with Biden personally, I would say that he is not your average politician. Just because he has been in Washington for so long doesn't necessarily mean he is there to mingle with the crowds. In fact, after speaking with him, I found that he has a genuine interest in what is best for the people and that he has not forgotten his background. Sure, he yaps a lot - that's his personality. But he does care about people more so than the average politician - which is what I think he and Obama have in common. No Messiah complex. He genuinely wants to make a difference for regular people like you and me.  

  2. How is McCain asking for bipartisanship when he has selected an ultra nationalist who believes in myth over science as his pick?  

  3. True,



  4. YoHow does one democratic senator change things when you control every branch of government? And you've done such a good job. we were attacked by Saudi extremists so you invaded Iraq. If Canada attacked us you'd nuke Mexico. And you've managed to double the national debt spending like British sailors in a Dutch w***e house. And since you only gave tax breaks to the wealthy, from my point of view you are the tax and spend poeple.

  5. The change is in the overall system, people in government are forced to assume bush is behaving rationally, given all the information, but he is just making ineffective choices.

    Others seem to think he is just stupid, crazy, or senile. Personally I believe Bush has a larger amount of information to base his choices on then anyone else, but his choices are ineffective and prescribe to an erroneous theory

  6. good question..i think the only change he what is in his pocket..perhaps the same change we got with pelosi at the helm...the last two years have been a disaster.

    two years ago dems took controle...remember all the celebrating

  7. The same change every other Democrat has promised for the last 35 years. Government will rescue you from your plight.

  8. Obama clearly illustrated the types of change he is promoting.

    To claim he has not is to indicate a lack of literacy with the materials that are easily available to you.

    I'm sorry.

  9. im gonna go with Political change?

  10. The kind of change yhou find under the couch cousion,

  11. republicans are running everything right now.  can't do nothing till we get em out.

    we need to FLUSH THE TOILET.

  12. He wants to CHANGE all current policies back to the Carter era and HOPE they work this time around *snicker*.

    And yes you Obamabots...trickle down economics DOES work.  When your empty suit raises the corporate taxes, those businesses are going to trickle those expenses right back to you in higher prices and layoffs because your community organizer has no clue how macroeconomics works.

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