
What kind of charge would you get for intent to traffic..First offence approx 6 grams of crack?

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and 300 cash




  1. Trafficing is a FEDERAL offense.

    My ex, got 6 1/2 years here in the states, first offense, no priors. Was out in 4, violated, went back and served the rest.

  2. you'd get a probation sentence and then a fine. Community service maybe a 200 hour sentence.  Then they'd show you the projects as to where to deal again.  Just kidding.

    Where I  live, youngsters stand outside of the apartment complex i live in, and wear their pants down below their asses.  And they deal all day, and night.  No cop's do anything.  Can't understand why you got into trouble?

    Oh yeah, if you are rich, and it's your first offense.  You will get off.  The lawyer will get your money.  And the courts will get some of the money..

    But if you keep it up.. You'll eventually get into jail for a bit.

  3. That falls in the legal statute area of a felony 5 (the lowest felony Rankin's). Try to get it plead down to a low level misdemeanor.

    I assume you have a clean record? Maybe in the area of 1 -2 years probation, community service and a small fine under $500.00.


  4. 6gs thats not trafficking,in Here in Australia youd be laughed out the court room.

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