
What kind of chickens and eggs you eat (breed)?

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what kind of chickens are good egg layers and you can also eat . i live in south part of louisiana. if their is none give me both breeds .arte rhode island reds good for both cause thats what i heard.





    personally I have Red Sussex, but they are pets.

  2. I really like rhode islands because they're calm and excellent producers even in cold weather when production naturally declines. This page gives excellent information on chicken breeds including the productivity overall in egg production along with notations if they are good cold weather layers and other important notes

    Aside from productivity, you might also include in your determination whether you'd like to help out a heritage breed. For example in the US there are numerous breeds that are considered critically in danger of disappearing.  Many of these are excellent breeds but don't fit with today's industrial methods. You may find a breed here that fits your needs and allows you to help a breed in danger

  3. Dual-purpose breeds include brahmas,  barred Plymouth rocks, Rhode Island reds, orpingtons, and Leghorns (although the last are primarily raised as egg-layers).

  4. The local breeds of chickens are always the best every where. Their meat is palatable and tense and their eggs have a real yellow yolk.

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