
What kind of child would come out of this parenting environment?

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He's an only child who feels connected to his dad. Though his parents are quite stiff. His mom doesn't really talk very much and his dad talks a bit. Both parents lack self-esteem and confidence, but seem to be authoritarian. The child isn't given any chores to do, but is expected to do exceptionally well on school work. The child is hardly ever complemented on the work he does, and is instead pointed out on the flaws of his work. His family is Catholic.




  1. I have a friend who has children and the parents(my friend) are the same as you described. Really quite, don't talk to their children much, no very much praise in the household..etc. I am seeing the effects on their kids. Its to the point where my BF and I don't want to visit our friends because their children run the house and are so loud and bad. They don't discipline their children and basicly do whatever they want. Its hard to just sit and visit with them. One of their children, has a sever learning disability and is very very very shy. He lacks self esteem, and needs attention. But he gets none. Hes very distant at times and even can be real aggressive and violent towards his brothers. Its a little scary.

  2. Sound like typical Catholics to me.  If he escapes Catholicism he may turn out alright.

  3. Wow. Poor kid. There is no telling what he will come out of this enviroment as.People despite thier up bringing can be amazingly indavidually indapendent expessially if they have other good influenses in thier life. Socialpathic parents doesn't mean a bent kid. I know people that where saverly abused that ended up good whole hearted loving people as adults.

  4. That's a typicla Catholic family. The child will be ok he may just feel that anything and everything he does will never be good enough especially in his parents eyes

  5. It seems to me that these Catholics did not practice their faith at all. Why should being Catholic make them who they are? I come from a Catholic family and know many,many Catholics who are not negative, who are positive thinkers and who have other people's interest at heart. It is obvious that his parents either come from broken homes, or from negative upbringing and have brought that into their marriage therefore passing it on to their child. Hopefully that child will seek counseling and find a better life for himself when he can control his own life and life changes.

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