
What kind of cilmate is there in Canada?

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I need to know this for a Social Studies report on Canada.




  1. Canada is

    1/3 temperate

    1/3 sub-arctic

    1/3 arctic

    The majority of the population lives in the temperate climate

  2. Predominantly temperate, with polar climates at the higher latitudes.

    There are both continental and maritime climates due to Canada's large land mass for the former and long coastline for the later.

  3. Hi Loaaf, hope this helps,

    Climate and weather in Canada

    Canada's climate is not as cold all year around as some may believe. In winter, temperatures fall below freezing point throughout most of Canada. But the south-western coast has a relatively mild climate. Along the Arctic Circle, mean temperatures are below freezing for seven months a year.

    During the summer months the southern provinces often experience high levels of humidity and temperatures that can surpass 30 degrees Celsius regularly.

    Western and south-eastern Canada experience high rainfall, but the Prairies are dry with 250 mm to 500 mm of rain every year

    There is a lot more info on this

  4. What is the climate like in the USA?  Canada is the second largest country in the world so it varies greatly from one area to another.

    In the southern interior of BC temps can hit +40C and higher in the summer, its semi arid, with relatively mild winters, the BC coast is more temperate with a higher rainfaill, Northern BC can have as low as -40C in the winter, and is tundra and muskeg in a lot of areas, with much cooler summers - then there are the  mountain areas --

    And that is just in BC -

    A questions like yours is too broad to answer and your teacher should know better than to ask such a question IMO

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