
What kind of clothes should I wear to Costa Rica in November?

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Actually what about October?




  1. What part will you be?? Near the coast is HOT and humid.  Inner CR by San José is cooler.  Either way, take an umbrella

  2. depends... beach or mountain... it doesn't get cold here

  3. casual it never gets that cold.

  4. November is the months in which the heavy rain stops a little, so you will have sunny mornings, and maybe rainy afternoons, chilly nights, but the temperature is fine, so, raincoat, umbrella, sunblock, and only if you are prone to feel cold, sweater. December is the coldest month of the year. Dont forget jeans and boots if you are going to the country side, a nice dress if you are going clubbing in San Jose, or your swimsuit if you are going to the Pacific area which would be great in November.

  5. Depends where are you going.

    Coasts: shorts and sleeve-less shirts and tanks for the day. At night jeans and any blouse.

    City: you can wear anything.

    Think of it like spring-summer in USA. HTe only difference is in the amount of rain. It can rain any moment so always bring an umbrella with you and a light sweater just in case.

  6. Generally, traveling in Costa Rica is enjoyable throughout the whole year! Rainy season: May - Nov; dry season: Dec- Apr. Even during the dry season, it may rain for some hours or sometimes even a whole day. During the rainy season, you will experience real „tropical showers“ for 2 - 3 hours in the afternoon. The rest of the day is warm and sunny.

    On the Caribbean coast, it is the opposite:Jun-Oct and Jan- Mar mos are relatively dry (expect heavy rainfalls in Nov/Dec.

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