
What kind of coffee would this be?

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I know there's frapacchinus (sp?), lattes, and alot more different types of cofee. I'm not sure what they are exactly. Are they just the way the coffee was made? I made coffee and let it chill overnight in the fridge. Then I put ice in the blender and poured the coffee in and blended it all up. What would that be called?




  1. i think that would probally be called '' chill iced coffee'' to be exact.

  2. PastPerfectColdCaffey! (frappuchino, yes!)

  3. ice cofee

  4. bad coffee^^

  5. Fraps and all the other coffee treats are ust that "treats" that ouf society has conjured up to satisfy our needs!

    Coffee in Europe is COFFEE aactually it's more of THEE real thing. Most peole since the beginning of the discover of coffee has not been to modified ((( europe))

    They don't add all those things other than sugar and an occassional dash of  cream! Tea is older that coffee,. goes back to 1200 BC ,... discovered by some Japonese king who was sitting around and accidentally saw some tea leaves fall into some nearby boing water and like the taste! this is TRUE :-)))


  7. If you have chilled coffee, and it is mixed with chopped ice, I believe this would be a frappuccino.

  8. I don't know what you should call it but thats a lot of work for just a cup of coffee!

  9. What you made was an iced coffee. Great job! You're on your way to becoming your own little at home barista =)

    A "latte" is coffee with steamed milk added into it. It's served hot.

    An "iced latte" is coffee with cold milk added, served chilled over ice.

    A "cappuccino" is what you get if you take your original hot latte and add a bunch of foam on top.

    "Espresso" is concentrated coffee, served normally in only very small cups.

    A "shot" of espresso is a super concentrated espresso, served in a shot cup.

    A "mocha" is a hot latte, but with chocolate flavoring added.

    A "macchiato" is a cappuccino with caramel flavoring added.

    An "Americano" is espresso with hot water added.

    A "frappuccino" is espresso, cold milk, flavorings, and crushed ice, blended together.

  10. frapachinos (or however you spell it) are frozen coffees like an icee thing so it sounds like you made that... go to starbucks and theyll explain them all to you

  11. Frappucinos are more like milkshakes than coffee and have very little (or none) coffee in them .....Latte is espresso with frothed milk ... cappucino is espresso with steamed milk ... espresso is extra-strength coffee, made with double-roasted beans.  A "shot" is about 1/4 c and much stronger than regular coffee (although less caffeine) .....What you made was just iced coffee.  Try it with some liquid creamer or vanilla ice cream in the blender next time .....Oh!  Mocha is coffee/chocolate combo flavor

  12. I am no barista, but that sounds like an iced coffee to me.

  13. coollatte!!

  14. It is called coffee cappuccino. but in starbuck they have trade mark name *frappachinos(people spell it like that) for all there drinks

    * the real spelling is frappuccino

  15. You've made iced coffee.

    All of those drinks with fancy names are actually espresso drinks... meaning that they aren't made with regular brewed coffee.  

    They are instead made with espresso (very finely ground beans, very concentrated, made in very small amounts).  Milk is then added to make the latte, cappuccino, or whatever (usually steamed milk, except when making a cold drink of course).

    Since yours was made with regular brewed coffee & not espresso, you've made iced coffee.  Not a thing wrong with that.  :)

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