
What kind of college can i get into?

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i have had average grades for the last 2 years of high school, but now in my junior year i have 3 AP classes( us history,chemistry,english) what college can i get out of this? that is if i get A's in those subjects along with the others?




  1. probably any university you want to.  good luck hun.  

  2. Grades are one part of the equation but so are your SAT / ACT test scores along with extra-curriculars activities. If you receive at least a 4 on your AP tests it may help your application. However 3 As on AP course with an average GPA will not boost your attractiveness to a university and if you want to get into a good university during your junion and senior years I would recommend working at raising your GPA to above 3.0. Otherwise the only option you may is attending Northern State University in Aberdeen, South Dakota.  

  3. Depends on what your overall GPA is. Most colleges won't start looking at you until after Junior year, so its best to wait until then.  

  4. Well, it also depends on your SAT scores, extra-curriculars, your essay for your application, etc. If you haven't taken SATs yet, you need to this year. A lot of good colleges require SAT II's as well, so if you feel comfortable in a couple subject areas, it's not a bad idea to take them as well. 3 AP classes are good, just keep your average up and challenge yourself next year too. is a WONDERFUL reference site too. You can look up whatever college you want, and it gives you the range of SAT scores that the majority of their students fall into, and basically a whole bunch of information on the university itself.

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