
What kind of colors do Beta fish come in?

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I think I really want a red one but I am curious to see what other possibilities there are.




  1. There are tons of colors and color combinations that bettas come in. Males and females both can be found in these colors. There are the basic colors - red, yellow, blue, orange (rarer), and green (also rare; usually they appear more turqoise). Purple isn't a true betta color, and while it can be achieved by layers of blue and red pigment, it's rare as well. There are a ton of others - there are brown bettas, white bettas, black bettas, on and on.

    After basic colors, there are a ton of different combos and 'strains' of color. My personal favorite are 'butterfly' bettas - they have a solid color on their bodies and partially on their fins, then a band of white or clear. There are dalmation bettas, who have specks of darker color just like a dalmation (I have an orange dalmation boy - he's gorgeous!)

    Cambodian bettas have a lighter color body with darker colored fins. Marble bettas have splotches of color all across their body, and they can change throughout their entire lives.

    Colors and strain names aside, there are hundreds, if not thousands of different colors and color combos for bettas. I've included some links where you can look around at pics and drool over some lovely colored bettas. Bear in mind that bettas can lose color and appear dull when stressed, so you may buy a betta at your local pet shop, and find it looks a whole lot brighter colored the next day. Females tend to lose more color when stressed, which is why they often appear very dull colored in the store - however, their colors can be just as bright and vibrant as a male's.

    Good luck!

    (P.S. - don't mean to be a nudge, but it's 'betta', not 'beta'. It's also pronounced 'bet-tah', not 'bay-tah'. Sorry, pet peeve :P )

  2. Virtually any color you can think of, and then some.  *

    And of course, Betta splendens are not the only species of Betta **, some available to aquarists, although they may have to be special ordered and prepaid.

  3. There are a rainbow of colours now available for bettas, with new combinations being created all the time. Solid reds are quite desirable, you're more likely to find reds with blue wash or multicolours, just as attractive however!

    Lots of prettys:

    Of course, you're more likely to find some than others. The most often seen are blues, grizzled pastels, reds, butterflies and multicolours.

  4. bettas come in all colors. however, if u dont want a scary one, i suggest getting a half moon betta. these have a nice tail, and dont get spiky when "blow up".

    **to maintain beauty in betta, condition ur water, or get a filter pump. also, give it food with color enhancer**

    if u need help caring for ur betta, look over this site

  5. Bettas come in a variety of colors and fin styles.  They are found in almost any and every kind you can imagine.

  6. they come in almost any color you can imagine, green, yellow, white, blue pink, multi colored, red, orange, peach/salmon, grey and many more here is a website that shows all the color variations

    oh and remember betta aka the chinese fighting fish, are territorial and 2 males cannot live together in a tank, males are the ones with big fins and the females are shorter

  7. Mostly they come in multicolor- Red, Blue, and Purple, maybe some Green?

  8. they are mostly mixed red,blue,blue,orange,and sometimes green

  9. Red







    Females come in brown.

  10. You name it you'll probably find it. I've seen white, blue, red, orange etc. As well as fantastic mixes of colours. Search in images for 'Betta Splendens' and you will see.

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