
What kind of conditioning does muay thai boxers use for their legs?

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everytime I throw a round house and its blocked

it kinda makes me think twice about throwing another one

cuz the pain from the block

but its seems with their conditioning they can throw them consistant even when they are blocked




  1. They kick hard things like banana trees which aren't that hard as you think it is for about 1000 times a day. Your bones harden, kicks becomes fast, and one day, you'll be able to kick your opponent's shin as hard as you want and you won't feel pain and neither will the opponent if you're in Thailand doing Muay Thai.

    PS: Muay Thai fighter does not quit because their bones break down when they're older. Whoever said that has no knowledge in bone conditioning whatsoever. Conditioning only strengthens your bones and that's it. It would never get weaker but thicker. There are 80 years old Okinawa Karate master that can still break bats with his shin and his arm. This is due to his long and painful training he has done for years and years.

    Muay Thai fighters in Thailand quits early because they fight every single day and it requires speed, being able to take beatings, etc. Once you get older, since new fighters who are younger and is in a better condition comes in constantly, it becomes very tough for the fighter and they have been hit too much in a short period of time. Some Muay Thai fighters dies because they got punched, kicked, elbowed, and kneed in the face too much that their brain couldn't take it anymore. Most stand-up style fighters quits early because of these reasons. As long as you don't fight too much, it should be ok though.

  2. Kick the bag and pads for a while.  Spar with shinpads on and get accustomed to checking kicks and having your kicks checked.  Start with the thick shinpads then work down to the cloth ones.

  3. well my son does mauy thai and has for some time now and he uses shin pads and he just gets used to it

  4. They condition their shins by kicking the heavy bag/pads, bear in mind they start doing this very young; when they are 6-7 years old.

    You kick the heavy bag/pad hundreds of times, everyday, and eventually through the years you get used to the pain.

    Some people suggest to roll objects onto your shins, DO NOT do this, it can damage your bone as it's not even.

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