
What kind of courses suitable for my daughter?

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My daughter is studying in 10+1, with physics,chemistry,maths and computer science, i wish to know more details about which courses are suitable for her , what kind of courses will give her great future ,if anybody can give proper details , it willbe very helpful for me




  1. U should ask her what her choice is 1st dont comple her

  2. she is 10+ then she has some intrests y u r killing them.....

    u can ask her in wht feild she is intrested.....and join her....

    that is the better way......give 1st priority to that......... if she ask then sujjest her......have a nice day...

  3. sir, i am a student.... and to be honest it depends a lot on 2 factors - first - what you want for your daughter and what your daughter would like to be for her future, right now there are so many opportunities out there that if she is talented, she would make her way anywhere, all needed is interest in whatever field she choses....and what courses would be suitable...well its a very broad question and depends a lot again on your daughter.

    Personally i believe IT and Biotech are 2 fastest rising sectors in india,

  4. Hi,

    As currently she is 10+1 ,there is no need to think  future.For this time if she has interest in maths and computer she can go ahead with these subject more deeply. As of now there are good opportunities in IT sector which need computer languages knowledge.

    This site give you more information

  5. the school will konw

  6. Main thing is - what your daughter likes to read. by the combination of subjects she is studying , she should opt for Engineering in Computer Science.

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