
What kind of c**p decision was the kimbo fight.?

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Thompson was winning and Gary Shaw didn't want to lose his cash cow




  1. That was the greatest thing I ever saw. Now back to your section.

  2. That poor guys ear... i wonder if he will have problems hearing now..

  3. the kind just like you said. Just like the Robbie Lawler stoppage.  Elite XC is going to make professional Boxing look on the level.  This company is the worst thing to happen to MMA.

  4. Total BS... BUT Thompson shoulda drained that piece of c**p he calls an ear before he came out.  Really really dumb.

  5. Observations; Slice vs. Thompson May 31 2008


    The announcers during Round Two were “planting the seed” to the Audience about Thompson’s Ear (the left one) being a good “target” for Kimbo Slice.

    What a surprise, Third Round, Thompson’s Ear, we all know the rest.


    There were rumors that Gary Shaw was in the Cage in-between the 2nd and 3rd Rounds, “talking with the Referee,” can anyone confirm that? CBS coverage was so crappy I could not confirm this.

    If so, why was he allowed in the Cage? Is that against the rules?


    Was the Referee the same one as Kimbos other Elite XC fight? If so, why, is there a shortage of Referees in MMA?

    Observations Elite XC; May 31 2008


    Why was Kimbo Slice (2-0 Brand new to MMA) vs. James Thompson (14-8 coming from “Two” recent losses, and since May 2006 is really 2-6 "see source") the MAIN EVENT?


    Was I watching the WWF/WWE?

    There were; “Cheerleaders” all over the place, in ALL the isles, around the cage, etc., the audience was given signs to hold-up to the cameras, it was like the Super Bowel Halftime show, hired actors and staged.


    The most absurd was the pyrotechnic entrances.

    James Thompson almost tripped as he walked down the stairs that were on the entrance “Ramp.” Is he pigeon-toed, does he have a vision problem? Maybe that would explain his eyes and wobble during the fight.

    Maybe Elite XC should have Kimbo Slice fight Hulk Hogan, Mr. T, and Dolf Lungren, after all Stallone did.

    Nothing against either fighter, but 4 out of 6 fights stopped, Elite XC, what a farce.

  6. Yes, definitely looked like the ref was favoring Kimbo.  But to his credit, Thompson has this dazed crosseye look about him and could've easily fooled anyone that he was about to go out.

    Hey, imagine Thompson fighting Mike Tyson.  That ear would be like breakfast lunch and dinner!

  7. HEy now..........Kimbo at least beat the guys ear

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