
What kind of crickets are edible to toads?

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I found a small toad in my backyard and decided to keep it as a pet. I have fed it one small cricket but i don't know what kinds to feed it. There are crickets in my backyard but they are all different and i don't know which ones are edible. So, I need to find out what kinds of crickets would be edible to my toad, Toadette.




  1. All types of crickets are edible to your toad. As long as the insect is non-noxious, it's fine in theory. HOWEVER, wild insects could very well be carriers of parasitic organisms that could easily be transferred to your pet, so keep that in mind. I would stay on the safe side and get domestic crickets from pet stores as well as other insects that are commercially bred. This includes things like supplementing their diet with meal worms, and you can also get commercially bred cockroaches. Wax worms are good as well. Just make sure crickets and roaches are the staple of the diet.

  2. the type of krickets you get at a feed store.

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