
What kind of currency does the people of Ireland use?

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I need to know what type of currency, holidays, and celebrations

that are used in Ireland also.




  1. OB dont be an idiot, the republic of ireland has never used the same currency as in Britian, (and never will) we used to have the IRISH PUNT and now we use the EURO.

  2. The currency of the Republic of Ireland is the Euro. You'll need sterling (UK currency) if you go to Northern Ireland.

    The festivals in Ireland are, in upcoming order:

    Today is Valentines Day - Happy Valentines Day!

    next Tues 20th Feb is pancake Tuesday

    Wed 21st Feb is Ash Wednesday (church holiday)

    17 Mar is St. Patrick's Day, the national saint's day and a day to celebrate all things Irish.


    First Monday of May, June, August, November are bank holidays (national holidays).

    The 31st of October is Halloween, which is said by some to originate in Ireland.

    Then Christmas and New Years.

  3. in the south euros in the north sterling(im in the north its definatly sterling)

  4. we used to use the pound/punt but we've used euro since 2002

    big holiday is st patrick's day on 17th march

  5. The Euro, of course. Now, if you're speaking of the northern territory under british occupation, then it's still the pound.

  6. Come on OB:   It used to be the 'Punt' and now the Euro in the Republic.   The North still use Sterling - Pounds, shillings and pence, but I am told that many small businesses, especially at or near the border, will accept Euro's............

  7. euro

  8. Until 2001 Ireland used the pound (currently used in Britian). Now Ireland uses the Euro, used by 21 other counrties.

  9. In Northern Ireland, the pound sterling is used as it is unfortunately part of Britain. In the Republic, the euro is now used, but until a few years ago, the Irish Pound or punt was used.

    As for holidays and celebrations, most traditional Catholic holidays are celebrated in the Republic. Most everything closes on Easter weekend. St. Patricks day is also a holiday, though not as big as it is in the U.S.

  10. beer tokens

  11. The currency in Ireland is Euro!

  12. Ireland has 2 currencies it has the pound sterling and the Euro

    its holidays are 12th of July which is Orange day a large family out day and 17th of march St Patricks day another family holiday

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