
What kind of degree does one need for a career in animal welfare?

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I'm not interested in being a veterenarian, I was thinking something along the lines of working with the ASPCA or Animal Welfare Society, or like "Animal Cops". Busting those that abuse animals and helping those abused animals.




  1. dunno  cool job though i was thinking about that to

  2. Best is to do vet science, with option to be a vet. doctor, or, to do a career in animal welfare!

  3. Speaking so broadly I would not recommend any specific degree- instead I recommend work experience at some type of animal facility.  This can help you decide if working with animals is right for you, and can prepare you for further advancement in the field.  Also, the sciences are very important to most animal related jobs.

  4. it depends on where you are placing your skills, the term animal welfare is a broad umbrella referring to the non radicals involved with the welfare of animals.

    Animal welfre can be everything from vet car to knowing a specific species well and being able to care for them.

    ETA: most of the people on shows like Animal Cops seem to have very little education in anything really. Some of the series are good but "fighting dogs have trained to be vicious and must be put down" is an absolute fallacy, dog aggression and human aggression have no correlation and the fact that people working in these area don't know this bothers me greatly. (see the michael vick dogs of which many are now therapy dogs)

    If you wish to work in law enforcement regarding animals i would contact your local animal control and see what if anything is required. Realise what what you see in the shows is not what happens in most AC's in america.

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