
What kind of depression do i have?

by  |  earlier

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1. its hard for me to sleep and when i do sleep its not very well

2. my eating habits have changed one week i won't eat anything and the next week i'll want to eat everything in sight

3. i get irritated easily

4. i worry constantly

5. i'm sad and scared most of the time

6. i wanna be alone most of the time *i don't feel like my friends want to hang out with me anyway.*

7. i feel like i don't matter like if i was gone no one would notice

8. nobody knows how i feel and nobody notices that im hurting

9. i feel lonely all the time

10. i have seriously thought about suicide but know i'm not brave enough to do it.

Can anyone tell me what kind of depression i have?




  1. Hi i went through the same thing in March this year i thought i was never going to feel normal again it went on for months and i knew i could not cope with it on my own, but i did go to my doctors and he put me on some anti depressants i did not want to go down this road but knew i needed some help i have been taking them for 5 month now

    but it has helped me find a path and also helped me to stay in control of my self i am now cutting them down and feel much more able to think clearly and decide where i want to go now but i could not have done it with out help go to your doctors and get advice  it will work out you just need a little help don't be afraid to ask that's what they are there for Good Luck take care it will all work out in the end but  it takes time  

  2. depending on how long it has been going on I would say it sounds like major depressive disorder which is basically a fancy way of saying that you feel depressed all of the time but don't have the manic thoughts associated with bipolar.

    As someone who is prone to major depressive disorder and who once contemplated suicide myself, i want to say that you can get help.  Medication can help, therapy can help.

    I went through a combination of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy) as well as taking medication and it helped me so much it was amazing.  I feel like a different person then i was when i was depressed.  When i was depressed I felt so alone, I never enjoyed anything and I had no hope for the future.  Now, I realize that while things may not always be perfect, I am able to enjoy things, hobbies friends.  That sort of thing.

    Talk to your doctor.  they can help you find a medication that works for y0u (and you may have to try a few before you find one that works) and your doctor can help you find a place to get therapy (i found that group therapy worked best for me, something about hearing other people going through similar situations really showed me that I was not alone)

  3. What you have is a bit of anxiety regarding subtly noticing changes within yourself of an emotional nature, but since these are involuntary, they are somewhat frightening to you.

    As to your sense that you do not matter in life... welcome to reality.  The fact is, people are quite ego-centric and normally feign interest in others only to be polite and not to be criticized.

    What you must focus upon with as much energy as you can is the fact that who  you are in Reality is a Soul.  And, your Soul is perfect, permanent, and is here to explore and experience... and this often means feelings that are painful and thoughts that are disturbing. However, your Soul  is a Spiritual reality within you that your brain cannot perceive and your physical senses will never know.

    We tend to get very involved in the physical phenomena that is taking place in life, and completely forget to simply enjoy the little things like ice cream, a cookie, and the rain against the window.  The wise person simply lives.... each moment watching  the moment reveal itself before one, and please note, this unfolding reality does not ask anyone's permission to happen.

    Let go of expectations and relax.  Breath and you are doing all that is required of you in this life.  Everything else is experimentation.  You cannot be wrong, perhaps inept in some things, but doing is not wrong it is simply experienced or not experienced.


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