
What kind of diaper pail is best to buy?

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Some people complain the Diaper Genie or pails like it do not work at keeping the odor down. Other say the motorized pails are too noisey and can disturb the baby. What kind of pail keeps the odor down that isn't too noisey & expensive? What do you use?




  1. I used to love my Diaper Champ.  When I used disposables, it was awesome.  No odor until I opened it up, and I didn't have to buy special liners.

  2. we have the diaper champ and there is NO SMELL.  plus no refills, and you can use any type of bag (even grocery bags)

    eta: for an extra "no smell" tip, put 2 bounce sheets in the bottom of the pail under the bags.  chane it every couple of great!!

  3. i have a diaper genie II.  we only used it for poopie diapers so it took a while to fill. when we went to change it my husband and i were gagging. but you do end up with pretty cool tube of poopie diapers to hit someone with, j/k. i guess its okay if you change it more often. im just lazy. now i just buy diaper duck refills (scented bags at Target) and they are awesome. just toss them in the trash and NO smell! i recommend bags. i wouldnt buy a system. waste of money.

  4. dont get the tommee tippe nappy wrapper, the smell of it is absolutely sickening. and emptying it is the absolute worst chore on earth.

    i just buy nappy sacks now, wrap them twice, put them outside in the bin.

  5. i used the diaper geinie for awhile but i got kinda tired of it as it fills quick once baby is in bigger diapers but my trash gets taken out once a day so i just statred using that.

  6. Just get a regular garbage can with a lid. Stick an air freshener on the lid. Only use that for potty diapers. For poopy diapers, keep a drawer or target bags, cheap quart size ziploc bags, or small garbage bags and bag your poopy diapers. Throw them in the regular trash--that trash gets taken out every day, anyway. Much cheaper, you don't have to buy special bag liners, and the diaper genie doesn't do anything to help smell after baby starts solids.  

  7. I am in love with the diaper genie 2. the old diaper genie did very little to contain the smell. They have a new one with a step to open the lid, but you don't need it. I've done more than my share of changing diapers for my 5 week old while holding her in one hand and pushing the diaper down in the other. The cartridges last about 3-4 weeks, even when she had runny bowels. I've loved it from the beginning. What I usually do is spray the inside with lysol after changing it and I let it dry. I haven't had any problems with the smell and she pees and defecates a lot.  

  8. Why don't you buy diaper bags they usually come 100  to a box. I buy them at my local dollar store. They are scented and I throw the diapers in regular garbage. Never had a problem with odors.

  9. The cheap way to dispose dirty diapers is to save plastic bags from the store and throw them away in those bags. It contains the smell.  If poopy diapers, I throw the plastic bag in the outside garbage can.  I have never had a problem with smell if you keep the lid on the can.

  10. I hated the Diaper Genie and wished we wouldn't have wasted the money. We started buying the diaper disposal bags and used those. They kept the odor out of the house better than the diaper genie.

  11. I used the diaper genie with my first child.  Not too bad.  Although cost of ownership is more than you would expect.  It's only about $25 to buy, but the refills that go in it are $5, which can add up over the years.  Also, once your baby gets bigger and you have bigger diapers, the refills don't last as long and it gets full really fast.  There was no smell with this one, other than when I emptied it.

    I have the Diaper Champ now.  It was about $25 to buy and I can use any bag I want.  However, there is a smell.  Every time you flip the lid over to drop a diaper in the smell comes rushing out of the top of it and it is not pleasant.  I'm thinking of getting rid of it altogether.  The smell is also really bad when I change the bag.

    My personal opinion - don't get either.  I would either get the bags like the other people were talking about and just throw them in the regular trash, or try and find something else.  

  12. i have the diaper genie 2 and it is wonderful, i think ppl that have probs don't use it right, bc i have no smell at is great..

  13. Diaper Champ is great!!!! You can use any kind of plastic bags and it contains the odor until opened and it is not that bad. I put dryer sheets in the bottom and under the bag and it has no odor.

  14. I like the Diaper Genie II, and upgrade to the original. I still use the little scented bags to tie up poopy diapers first just for extra peace if mind but as long as it's dumped every few days, odors arent a problem. Plus its only $20 and its compact, you can put it in any small corner.

  15. Im perfectly happy with the diaper genie...

    p**p stinks, there is no getting around it.

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