
What kind of diet can a college vegetarian set up, that is easy, and basic to follow. ?

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  1. rice, beans, and pasta are usually cheap, and easy to cook (just boil in water)

    here are some helpful websites to help you find/create a meal in a pinch:

  2. try eating the grass on your way between buildings.

  3. You might want to try this vegetarian sandwich spread:  It's really easy to make, and its very tasty.  You can make a lot of it and store some for a quick meal later, or make just a little.  I love it.  :-)

    Good Luck!

  4. Well I don't know if you're living in a dorm or apartment, what you have access to, if you have a meal plan or what type of vegetarian you are.  So, I'll just give you easy, cheap ideas that may or may not need to be cooked, or you can find in the dining hall.

    Breakfast - I pretty much always have carnation instant breakfast mixed with a cup of soymilk and a piece of toast with jam, zucchini bread, small muffin or something.  I like breakfast to be my most calorie "meal"

    Other ideas:

    - Cereal

    - Bagel

    - English Muffin

    - Muffin

    - Toast

    - Boiled egg (you can make a bunch at one time and keep them in your fridge/mini fridge - if you're in a dorm, you'll probably have a communal kitchen with a stove and oven)

    - Banana, apple, orange or fruit of choice (if you have fridge there are more fruit options)

    - Oatmeal (if you have a microwave), instant or add your own brown sugar

    - Power bar, breakfast bar, cereal bar

    - Dining Hall: Scrambled eggs, hash browns, fruit bar, oatmeal

    Snack for between breakfast and lunch that's easy to carry with you around classes:

    - Nuts - I like almonds, cashews, peanuts, soy nuts; you could also have walnuts or macademia nuts if you like them.

    - Seeds - Sunflower, Pumpkin,

    - nutrigrain bar, or other similar breakfast bar type food

    - grapes in a ziplock bag or a banana or apple (all easy to eat)

    - String cheese if you eat it

    - wheat thins (or other crackers/chips of choice)


    - Salad!  I usually buy pre-packed salads, it's much easier and less time consuming then buying everything separate, and probably cheaper for single people.  I love this salad tuppeware thing, I have two of them and they are perfect for college students:

    Also, you could buy just clean mixed greens and a dressing of choice, I like fat free Italian and use that and maybe add some soy nuts, croutons or something to your salad.

    - Sandwiches: Obviously peanut butter and jelly, but if you're snacking on nuts or seeds I would not recommend more peanut butter.  Other options are cucumber sandwiches, cheese sandwiches, cucumber and cheese sandwiches, any veggie you like sandwiches, make them on frozen bread that way they don't get soggy.

    - Soup: Just warm up a can in the morning and put it in a thermos for lunch.

    - Pasta: heat up leftover pasta and put it in a thermos for lunch

    - Beans: heat up beans and put them in a thermos for lunch

    - Wraps: hummus, any veggies you like, or a pre-mixed salad in a pita, delicious

    - Bagel and cream cheese

    have a snack or half of lunch or first half of dinner (I personally find having five smaller meals makes me have more energy, feel healthier and helps maintain weight)


    - Beans (so cheap)

    - pasta and any sauce you like (easy: cook pasta, drain, add sauce (pre-made is better because it would end up costing you more to make it plus cost you time), warm until sauce is warm and serve.

    - Eggs if you eat them

    - Grilled cheese or quesadillas if you eat them

    - Soup (progresso has four or five vegetarian soups)

    - Refried beans (vegetarian)

    - Baked beans (vegetarian)

    - cheese or veggie pizza

    - Salad

    - burritos

    - cereal

    Ok, that's a lot of info, I can't really think of anything else.  I ate a lot of that type of stuff when I still lived in the dorms and eat a lot of the same type of stuff now, but do a little more baking and fancier cooking (I'm still in college though)

    Good luck!

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