
What kind of diet you do while breastfeeding?

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Just want to lose some pounds, but without affecting my baby's health.




  1. i did weight watchers while nursing.  it was heatlhy, safe for baby, easy, and it worked.

  2. I just tried to eat healty foods.  I didn't go overboard on junkfood.

  3. Weight Watchers has a program for nursing mothers.  I followed it from the time my son was about one month old and found it to be very healthy and satisfying.  I lost my pregnancy weight and another 15 lbs on that plan.  Before getting pregnant, I had already lost 45 lbs on Weight Watchers, so of course, I am a huge advocate of theirs.

    Edit:  For people who aren't familiar with WW's, it is hardly a diet.  It is a way of eating that teaches you to focus on lean proteins, vegetables, fruits and low fat dairy products, while allowing occasional indulgences.

  4. No diets. You are going to be burning calories like crazy while bfing anyway. If you want to lose weight I would say try to stay off of the sugar and carbs as much as possible. That would be a good diet change instead of taking away healthy things for your baby. Eat brown rice instead of white. Try whole grains instead of bleached enriched. Eat foods from the low glycemic index. Eat almonds they are great for protien and help build muscle.

    Also try walking with bub once a day.

  5. I eat when I'm hungry, stop when I'm full, and try to stay away from excess fat, sugar, salt, refined starch and preservatives.  I make sure I take a walk almost every day.  You'll need extra calories, but you should be able to lose some weight while breastfeeding.  Personally, I got to a point where I would quit losing weight and it would not come off until my baby cut back on nursing.  On the other hand, my SIL was skinnier than ever after each of her babies were born, without trying.  I can't believe she weaned her kids so early!

  6. eat healthy, but avoid gassy foods.

    there is a few awesome websites out there that have great diets and examples of what is good and bad foods. go to and see what they say. there is also a La Lache League website. If you do not get the results you want with these sites, call the hospital you delivered at and talk to the lactation consultant and she can help you with this. Good luck!

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