
What kind of dieting can I do while breastfeeding my 4wk old son?

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I was 230lbs when getting pregnant and now am 225lbs. I graduated high school at 155lbs. It was a sz. 8 but I'd like to get back down there. But I'm also breastfeeding my 4wk. old son. Will me dieting hurt the amount of nutrition he should be getting? What kind of dieting am I able to do? How much can I cut back? My baby weighs about 10.5lbs. He has been growing according to what his doctor says he should be. As for what I'm doing right now. I don't eat regularly. I'm trying to change the amount of water I intake daily. I usually go out somewhere everyday but it's running errands or taking stuff to my husband at work not actually going out walking or anything. Dinnertime I usually eat a well rounded meal. I usually don't eat breakfast. I usually don't get down to the kitchen until 10am or later and I don't care for much breakfast food. Lunch is usually a lunchmeat sandwich. As for sleep, I have a newborn. Sleep is for the weak.




  1. You shouldn't diet while breastfeeding.  Remember that your baby is getting ALL of his nutrients from what you eat, so if you're not getting enough of something, neither is he.  If you're interested in losing weight, know that breastfeeding uses up about 500 calories per day (so you've got a good head start right there!)  Also, try to eat healthier foods rather than less (try grilled chicken breast instead of fried chicken, add more fruits and veggies, drink lots and lots of water, etc).

    Also, once you're slightly less sleep deprived, you could try taking out your kiddo for a walk in a stroller.  Walking while pushing a stroller burns 30% more calories than just walking.  ;)

  2. Drink LOTS of water.

    Eat fruits and veggies.

    Eat LEAN meat; chicken, turkey and fish.

    Cut out soda and sugary drinks.

    Cut out white rice and white bread; eat brown rice and wheat bread: anything 'white' turns back to sugar.

    WALK ..

    .. put that baby in the stroller and walk walk walk! and walk some more! =]

    You don't have to do any strenuous exercise; walking burns calories!

    I gained 68 lbs. with my son and lost 73! I actually weigh less now than I did when I got pregnant.

    If you like to snack (like I do!) buy some grapes! They are an AWESOME snack! Even freeze some; they are soo good for just popping in your mouth when you want something to munch on.

  3. Weightwatchers has a plan for breast feeding mothers, I'm not sure what it consists of, but I am a member of weightwatcher (though not breast feeding) and have lost 20lbs so far!!

  4. eatherdiet or breast feed not good to do both for baby  as for water you shud drink alot more whilst feeding  

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