
What kind of difference can one person make?

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What kind of difference can one person make? You may be right. It's all a waste of time. I guess that's just a chance I'm prepared to take. A danger I'm prepared to face. I'm old enough not to care too much about what you think of me.




  1. one action can snowball - if you are kind to a stranger and ask for nothing in return but that he be kind to stranger and ask the same reward- you change the world.

    whatever the kindness or whatever quality you display - if you lead by shining example you will be followed and you will change the world.  

    everything starts with us and the only thing needed is that what we do is good.

  2. jesus hitler confucius buddha martin luther king jr. every king and pharaoh and emperor that has ever lived. isaac newton, einstein, john lenon. these are all just one person. and they all made a huge difference.

  3. ...he/she can change the world...

  4. I suppose the answer to that question is wrapped up in another question:  How much firepower do you have at your disposal? ☺


  5. Aren't those the lyrics to a song?

    As a teacher I feel like I make a difference to my students...on a global scale? not so much.

  6. RUSH!!!

  7. i think one person can make a huge difference good or bad. Martin Luther King made a huge difference and he was one man. I think it depends on how big of a sacrifice you are willing to make. If you bieleve in something strong enough and are willing to fight i think you can make a huge difference!  

  8. Plenty....Even if it's just on a pretty small scale, such as opening doors for the ladies and elderly..Not a lot of people do this nowadays..This can set examples for the other bystanders just watching and not reacting.  They'll think twice the next time they see a woman or an elderly person in the process of opening a door.

    Just doing random acts of kindness in public can make a difference for the people who witness it...Everyone can always spread kindness around..

  9. a person can do anything within imagination

    as long as the factors are present













  10. look at nelson's mandalas life....

  11. 1. Abraham

    2. Jesus

    3. Muhammed

    4. Aristotle

    5. Augustine

    6. Aquinas

    7. Copernicus

    8. Galileo

    9. Locke

    10. Hume

    11. Jefferson

    12. Lincoln

    13. hundreds or thousands more

    As the sexist, but often true saying goes, "Behind every man stands a woman," or "another man." Most people who change the world do it not alone, but with help. Jesus had 12 helpers or more. After all, even Judas furthered the saga, and Paul never met Jesus.

    So you can make a difference, not by being Mother Theresa, but by being her housekeeper or cook; or by being the secretary to the blind governor of New York; or the volunteer at the telephone center of your church or AA.

    Why does it have to be a big difference? Besides, how do you know that one little phone call you answer won't make a big difference to someone else? We often do things that have consequences of which we are never made aware.

  12. a h**l of a difference, look at Gandi and what he did

    and all the other single people that have made a difference

    sure ou might need help along the way by friends but the power of one is stronger than the power of none

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