
What kind of discipline should I use?? on a child??

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My nephew is 7 years old in the 1st grade...he is a terrorizer he is VERY VERY smart for his age and he manipulates people. He has gotten very out of control lately his teacher knows our number by heart. The other day he went to the park and pushed my son (his cousin) who is five in a pond! Thank God it wasnt very deep! Then he told my son that I was dead yesterday and I wasnt coming home to make my son cry ( I am currently in Iraq and so is my twin sister-his mom) they are both staying with our mother. He gets pun on punishment and his playstation taken away but he doesnt care he continues to terrorize. He punched his cousin in the face (who is 2 years older than him) because he tried to use his supersoaker and yesterday he raised up at my 25 year old brother like he was going to hit him. What is going on? How can we discipline him? He has never gotten a spanking that the answer??




  1. Wow, he is a handful.  With him you might have to get down to the root cause.  Did he act this way prior to him mom being deployed?  How did he feel when she got deployed?  He might be acting out because of that.  If that's the case, punishment may not change his behavior.

    However, he does need to start acting better.  I would try taking away something that he cherishes or make him spend time in time out (like a room with nothing in it or his bedroom with only books no toys).  

    Good luck!

  2. It sounds like he is having some real issues that need to be dealt with. Yes, he has bad behavior and it should have consequences. But it seems to me that he is lacking the attention he needs. He's probably sad, confused, and insecure because his mom is not around. A lot of times kids will act out the way you're describing because they're jealous of the other kids in the house, whether it's because they have better toys, clothes, or get more attention from the caregiver. I think taking away priviledges is great. On top of that, though, he needs to have some love and attention. I have a boy who is seven and in first grade, and I was told once that work is one of the best ways to correct unruly behavior. Whenever my son starts getting sassy or acting out, I give him more jobs. Children this age love to help Mom (or Grandma) with cooking or doing dishes. Give him his own spot in the garden that he is resonsible for, give him a pet, or something like that to build his self-worth.

    In summary, keep up with the punishments, but it sounds to me like this child needs someone to give him more love and attention.

  3. omg this child is doing these this for a reason someone need to find out what is bothering him maybe he misses his mom or maybe he is actn out due to another reason... children act out sometimes when something is bothering them because they dont alway know how to express themselves in other ways .... the adult needs to find some alone time with this child to discuss what is bothering him...

  4. unless you have physical custody of this child you do nothing its not your child or your business so mind it

    hes acting out to get attention tell your sister to tell your mother to call home and talk to him and whoever has both boys need to get firm and lay down the lay you arent his mother you cant punish him and get the boys father in his life

  5. Time out works with my child and show him positive attention as well as negative

  6. NO Spanking, although I do believe in spanking! This kids needs some attention and he needs to be loved. I believe he is having a very hard time with his mother being gone even thought your son also has his mom away your son probably handles things differently. I'm sure he is being loved by your mother but I think he needs a little more attention and more reasured love. This is just a very hard time for him now and he need some help to get through it, please don't spank this kid I really believe it will only make things worse. I'm sure he knows what he is doing is wrong, but this is his way of handling things no matter how wrong it is. This is an important time for this young man and he need to know that every thing is going to be fine, mom misses him loves him and will be back for him. These kids only get one chance to grow up and we have to do the very best we can to make sure we teach, love, play,laugh and discipline in positive manner. Hope this helps, From father of three.

  7. Might I suggest a nice tall glass of whoop ***?

    In my house, there were 4 levels of punishment

    1.) Hand

    2.) Belt

    3.) Fireplace poker

    4.) Dragon Kick

    And let me tell you, Daddy didn't have to ask twice once the Dragon Kick had been administered.

  8. I suppose you can try spanking but you tell the child "Don't hit" and then you turn around and hit him.

  9. try punishment and if that doesn't work whup that a**

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