
What kind of docter should i go see?

by Guest65392  |  earlier

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Im have trouble with floaters and i need to have my vision checked i know i need to see an eye docter..but theres like a million diffrent kind...witch kind should i go see




  1. An ophthalmologist.  He is the eye medical doctor. An ophthalmologist studies all aspects of the eye, including floaters.  

    An optometrist only measures vision and prescribes glasses.

    An optician fills the lens perscriptions -  a 'pharmacist of glasses'


    Swizzles, not everyone knows everything.  I was sharing what I know from my experience, as does everyone in this forum.  A polite comment is all that was necessary, not two different nasty slurs on my profile name.  Maturity, my dear...

  2. Start with an optometrist (they have them at Costco), or even your regular family doctor.  Then you might get a referral to an ophthomologist.

  3. You should see an optometrist.

  4. You should start with an optometrist. Regardless of what most people think, an optometrist does a lot more than prescribe glasses. He/she can diagnose and treat most eye conditions that don't require surgery. Floaters are quite common, especially if you're near-sighted, but it is something to get checked out.

  5. ophthalmologist

  6. I would start with a Retinal Specialist, MOST of the time Floaters are just annoying, but what if you are one of the people who DO have a retinal detachment?

    Most retinal specialists do not do eyeglass prescriptions so I would also make an appointment for an Optometrist

  7. You could see an Ophthalmologist or an Optometrist.  Both are doctors and this this visit isn't for surgery, so either will do.

    If you need surgery (AND YES, DOUBLE DOGGY STYLE, THESE OCCASIONALLY NEED LASER, CRYO, OR A SCLERAL BUCKLE PROCEDURE!) see a Retinologist, not a general Ophthalmologist!

    Note that Floaters are not always normal, as touted by the dog lover above...

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