
What kind of doctor checks if my sperm is good.

by Guest67008  |  earlier

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My girlfriend and I have been dating for 3 years and we dont use protection and she hasn't gotten pregnate.. :(... I already have a daugther that is 8 years old from a previous relationship. Which i have full custody of. I think it her not me. I think I have good swinners. But want to get myself checked out to be sure.




  1. A urologist can perform a sperm analysis on you.

    Good luck.

  2. my ob had my hubby go to a lab to check his count before we checked for me, b/c its easier to check male infertility than a females. he was great, but i have pcos.

  3. I'm assuming that you two are trying to get pregnant. If that's the case, have the two of you talked to her doctor? My doctor ordered a sperm count on my husband. They printed out a lab slip, he did his thing, and I took it to the lab. His insurance paid for it. You may ask her doctor if he could order the test to be done on you.

    If not, check with a urologist.

    Good luck.

  4. an internist, or a urologist.  but hey, why don't you marry the girl if you are trying to have kids with her?  

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