
What kind of doctor should I take my son to?

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my son walks on the inside of his feed, and now it looks like his ankles are bent inwards. He is 15 months, would be out grow this or do I need to take him to a specialist? His pediatrician says I should wait until he turns 2 to see if he self corrects. I really don't think he'll do that because it seems to be getting worse and not better. What kind of doctor do I need to take him to?




  1. my son used to be like that his Dr. said if we take him to a specialist they will just make him wear special shoes with braces so we bought him shoes like cowboy boots and high tops not only did they look so cute on him and he loves them they made it very uncomfy for him to walk on the sides of his feet so he slowly put them flat on floor i dont know if that will work for your son but its worth a shot

  2. sounds like an orthopedic surgeon would be the right doctor to call.  good luck

  3. Probably a specialist in feet for young children, babies, and toddlers. I'm just a kid so I am not the best choice to pick. He might have just been born that way. You should call around the doctors offices. Maybe ask them waht you can do at home? If he doesn't stop walking like that soon, it will be a major problekm now, soon, and in the future. You should wait until other answers come in for their opinion. Please answer my question about the sandcastle!

  4. start looking around in your city and find the best pediatrician there is in your city.

  5. a podiatrist, but your pediatrician is right. Most kids will walk pigeon toed or oddly until they are about 2. Most will self fix their walk as they gain confidence and stability. I wouldn't panic if your doctor is not until then.

  6. Podiatrist....foot specialist.   I am surprised that any Pediatrician would wait to 'see' if it corrects itself without dbl checking with a specialist.

  7. Walking on the inside of your feet is known as overpronation, and mild forms of this condition are actually relatively common.  They even make shoes to help correct it in adults.  If the angle your son walks on is so extreme that it is debilitating and is in fact causing ankle strain, visiting a podiatrist isn't a bad idea, just to be sure...but it would be best to find one that has experience with young children, because skeletal/muscular development changes a lot with age, and when a child is learning to walk his balance may take time to develop, which is probably why your physician recommended waiting a period of time.

  8. A podiatrist. My daughter was born with crooked toes that won't fix themselves and that's who she sees. They specialize in feet. Find one that works with children as well as adults, or even specializes in children.

  9. A pediatric orthopedist.

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