
What kind of dog is better?

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i'm thinking about getting a maltese, a chihuahua, or a yorkie. they all seem pretty good dogs. i need to know a lil bit more info on them and maybe some pics or something to help me choose. please give me your opinion also. gracias




  1. i like cockerspaniels

  2. all really small dogs are usually more yappy and grouchy, but i'd go for a maltese instead.

  3. Yorkies are very friendly, not very big, don't require grooming - unless you want to, very smart, and very cute.

  4. Yorkie or a Maltese. Very adorable and sweet dogs.

  5. My fiancees parents own 2 maltese, and they are terrible, they bark all the time, you drop something on the floor and the go off, you tell them to shut up and the female just keeps barking at you, and they p**p and pee where ever they want, even tho they have a dog door and can go outside when ever they want to, the female snaps at my niece and tries to bite her, so I def would not recommend a maltese.

  6. Chihuahua! :)

  7. Personally,i like little dogs like yorkies and chihuahuas.

    For info on chihuahuas click this link:

    For info on Maltese breed dogs click this link:

    And for info on yorkies click this link:

    I'd say chihuahua or yorkie there both adorable...

    Good luck and hope you chose a dog that will love you with all it's heart.

  8. A yorkie.

    Best buy. Most fun to play with, loyal.

  9. Yorkie Very loyal, loving, cute & yappy! lol

  10. Not a chihuahua because they get sooooo annoying they bark too much. I would say a yorkie because it has natural long hair and they like it so you don't have to cut it if you choose. I have a yorkie and it's

    a real sweetheart she loves everyone.

    Hope I helped!


  11. maltese,  they are very intelligent, quick learners, lively, and very playful. And they are fairly  daring, but there barks are loud and high pitched. But i have another suggestion for a dog a mini poodle, they are under twenty pounds, too, I have one, they are very smart, and quick learners too and they are excitable, and quiet,peaceful dog, and they are a great family pet.

    heres a video of a maltese and a poodle,

  12. Yorkie, cute sassy and terriers are always classy, I mean seriously why be a nother paris with a prissy chiuaua or how ever you spell it, you know... besides you can get a non shedding shorthair yorkie were malteses shed

  13. This is a decision that you and your family need to make together. Don't rely on our opinions to help you pick the dog that's right for YOU. Google the seperate breeds and learn more about each one like the diseases each is prone to, the grooming, things like that.

  14. Of the three, the yorkie is definately the best.  The maltese is too difficult to skin properly and the chihuahua is too tough unless you marinade it for at least two hours.  The yorkie is great with just a little season salt and a bacon wrap.  Try wrapping it in foil and leave it on the grill for about 1 hour.  Yummm-O

  15. There is not really a 'better' dog. What you're basically asking is, do you prefer chocolate, ice cream, or apple pie? You see, everyone has their own tastes. Some breeds suit people better than some other breeds do.

    Choose wisely, pick the breed which suits your lifestyle best. Don't choose based on looks, or you could be making a BIG mistake.


    maltese- UGLY


  17. How about choosing a dog/puppy for your lifestyle? not what kind of dog is better!! Check out

  18. I've owned 2 maltese dogs and I also used to be a pet sitter so I've been exposed to all three of these animals on numerous occasions.  Do you have kids?  If so, I don't think I'd go for the chihuahua......these little guys can be very feisty and snappy.  Yorkie's are very cute but a little "barky",  at least the ones I've been around, seem to bark ALOT.  My choice is the maltese, the ones I've taken care of and the ones I've owned have been great dogs.  They are high maintenance though as far as their fur and keeping their eyes clean.  The males have the longer fur that drags the ground, but the females hair seems to be shorter and maybe a little easier to maintain.  But you MUST brush them or they get matted terribly.

    Hope that helps......

  19. Each breed has different characteristics so you need to find the dog that fits best with your lifestyle.  You can find information about each breed online.  When I was looking for a dog, I took a dog selection quiz at and it helped me to choose the right dog for our family - Nimbus, a mini poodle who we've had for 2 1/2 years and who is a perfect match for our family!  We had to consider space, time spent grooming, activity level, temperament and trainability.  FYI: Maltese and yorkies are hypoallergenic and better for people with allergies while chihuahuas are not.

  20. well i think a golden retriever would be better..

    this is my dog

    hey, email me at

  21. the chihuahua is the best they are really good watch dogs and they can be really nice they learn to trust and love their owners. i have one myself but sometimes you have to be with it all the time or they get mad or jealous. But they are great dogs.  

  22. well there all pretty nippy and yippy so i don t know. how about a morkie it  is a maltese yoirk.

  23. idk...chiuauas r pretty cute...!!

  24. The only real difference here is hair...if you want to brush and comb constantly go with the Maltese or Yorkie, if you don't want to deal with the long hair go with a short haired Chihuahua...hope I helped and good luck!

  25. yorkie-



    you are very welcome.I prefer all!lol.

  26. chihuahua or a yorkie... yorkie, chihuahua's always have desises and u dont want that :D

  27. yorkie

  28. Hey! I suggest going to the "all breeds" link and you can search those alphabetically. They give you all sorts of info like their temperament, size, exercise they'll need, environment they do best in, basically everything. They also have pictures. So you should find whatever you need there.

    As for my opinion haha I love big dogs so none of those for me..I have a husky and a lab :) But I guess I'd say yorkie for you just from my experience working at a kennel. They seem like good dogs and are super cute. But it would all depend on what your life is like and what you're looking for. Whatever you choose good luck and enjoy!!

  29. maltese: lovable, loves to get attention

    chihuahua:lovable to owners, can be aggressive to other ppl, culdy

    yorkie: same as maltese

    but it really depends on each dog, not the breed. make sure u socialize the dog early.

  30. yorkie have to spend hours grooming maltese and chihuahuas are annoying

  31. Maltese: loving, playful, and lively, and devoted to it's master.  good at learning tricks if it feels suficiently rewarded.  quick to sound the alarm of suspicious noises.  do well with other animals.  can be picky eaters.  don't overspoil or overpamper too much because they may become jealous of visitors.

    Chihuahua: courageous and lively.  gives and demands affection.  bold and saucy, strong-willed, intenesely loyal and attatched to owner, some may be difficult to train but are still intellegent, quick learners who responde well to gentle, proper training.  may snap at teasing children for defense. can be noisy and require patience.  socialize with other dogs at an early age to avoid dog aggressiveness.  

    Yorkie:  eager for adventure, energetic, loyal, clever, affectionate, easy to train, though sometimes stubburn, demand a lot of human attention, diffuclt to house train, bark a lot, but can be trained not to do so.

    i like the chihuahua, but it all depends on personal preferance.

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