
What kind of dog would be best for me? Border Collie, Lab, Mix, Other?

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I've wanted a dog for as long as I can remember, but with my mother working full-time and me being at school/college/university we've never really been in a position to give a dog the level of attention and care we feel would be needed. Some things have now changed though, and for the first time I think getting a dog is a viable possibility.

We're agreed that a large dog (St. Bernard, Great Dane etc.) is out of the question, and it would have to be highly intelligent/obedient with training, and active/playful (I have no interest in a "toy" dog; to me dogs should be faithful companions in a mutually reciprocal relationship, not a showpiece, a fashion accessory or something that takes all your affection & lounges around while offering nothing in return and generally drives you up the wall; that's the cat's job).

I've had my mind fixed on a Border Collie for awhile as they seem to pass all the "tests" with flying colours, as well as having a very appealing appearance, however I am aware that they can be a handful and possibly not suited to a first-time owner.

I think a Labrador/Golden Retriever would also be suitable (and possibly easier to manage) or even a German Shepard, I know Golden Retriever's are quite prone to heart conditions, but I'm not sure about the other breeds I've mentioned. I'd also like to hear (generally) how good they are with other animals/children.

Since I've never spent any great amount of time with any of these kinds of dogs, I'm looking for comparisons of their temperament and characteristics and advice on what you think would be most suitable, along with anything else you feel would be appropriate for me to know.





  1. I've got a Border Collie, Lab Mix, and a Doberman. The BC is a great dog, but they're extremely OCD. They usually have their own obsessions that are nearly impossible to break and are quite a handful. Labs are great companions, but usually tear up things as puppies. Then again what puppy doesn't?? Even adoption might be a viable option depending on what you expect out of a dog.  

  2. I actually have a black lab/ golden retriever mix!!

    her name is abby and she is 5 yrs old!! shes a great dog!!

    all labs/goldens are great dogs!! they r good with ppl and MOST of them love being outside runnig around and playing with toys!!

    one thing is that golden retrievers actually have hip problems!! so usually they have really odd posture when they sit down!! so that mayb one thing to worry about!!

    my neighbor has a border collie/black lab mix and shes a good dog too... but there are certain types of food u cant give them so make sure u knw wut to feed them... i hear they r hard to train too!!

    but labs can learn things pretty easily and even though they r stupid they r smart too!! labs and goldens love ppl!

    but all dogs NEED excercise so u have to walk them!! or else they get REALLY over weight!!

    i feed my dog iams/beneful hard food mixed!!!

    she gets fed breakfast and lunch and NO SOFT MUSHY FOOD!! the vet said its unhealthy for the dogs and that they only need to meals a day to stay in shape!! PLUS the soft food was recalled last year so some vets suggest that not using it is better!!!

    and anyways dogs are like vacuums they eat w/e gets left on the ground!! and becareful where u put shoes and food!! dogs will eat any food in they're reach and will chew on anything that looks like A toy! once they r trained they dont chew up EVERYTHING in site but STILL BE CAREFULL!!

    and if ur puppy isnt potty trained... REMEMBER that when u leave a puppy alone they get nervous! that usually means they pee on the carpet!! so try to stay with the puppy at all times! if u cant stay w/ it then put it in a crate and lay down newspaper!!! and also puppies LOVE AND WANT attention! if u have them eat in the kitchen... and ur sitting in the dining room eating at the table... then THE PUPY WONT EAT they will follow u!!

    so plz remember having a puppy/dog is like having a BABY!!  YOU REALLY HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF IT!!!  

  3. A border collie needs a lot of exercise every week. Best for agility or a jogger.

    A SPRINGER SPANIEL  is a sporting breed and also needs a lot of exercise.

  4. Oh ...I am so happy you waited until it is a viable time to have a dog...too many people don't...10 points to you for that alone...

    Now, as to breed....

    I have 4 dogs...2 are Border collies (one is a mix), 1 Lab and 1 Beagle.

    Of the 4, I would recommend (as a first time dogs owner) that you consider the Labrador Retriever (personally, I would get a Golden....but let me explain)...German SHepherds need a "firm", experienced owner...not recommended as your first dog.

    I LOVE MY BORDER COLLIES TO DEATH and I'D NEVER BE WITHOUT ONE OR TWO....HOwever, having said that...consider this...they REQUIRE a LOT of exercise....Mine are on a small farm so they have a large area to run...I also train them in Dog Agility, Rally-O and Herding. They are so smart and responsive that it is almost scary. For a first time dog owner, not recommended unless you are willing to spend A TON OF TIME (AND MONEY) with a frisbee, a tug toy and also other activities (which are not cheap)....I would not trade my Borders for the world....We run Agility, train, do Rally-O, and herding, etc but it all costs money!!!!

    The beagle can be a hard case....They are stubborn and follow their noses if you let them. I have somewhat trained my beagle in Agility and people are amazed that she doesn't "sniff" constantly.

    The Lab is very versatile...he has done Agility, Dock Dog, Obedience, Retriever training and is generally a GREAT DOG. I love him to death...I suggest the Lab over the Golden (although, in the future, I would take a Golden over a Lab). The reason is simple...Goldens require A LOT of grooming to keep their coats matt free...the Lab needs weekly brushing, that's all with an occasional bath.

    I am a professional groomer...most of the Goldens I see are "matted to the nines" because owners either don't brush them or don't properly "layer" brush them.....Labs are easier in that respect...both have great temperaments...both are "perma-puppies" until at LEAST 5 years of age. Both labe and goldens are GREAT with kids....Border Collies CAN be....if raised with them....German Shepherds the same.

    Good luck. Take my advice for what you feel it is worth...

  5. Please see my answer to this question - it would be the same for you:;...

    A senior or middle aged Lab might do, or a lazy mix, but never a Border Collie - they are very busy, and NEEED something to do, all the time...I can't think of anything less apropriate for your situation.

      However, there is no reason a retired Greyhound might not work, and you could have your 'big dog'...

  6. I vote lab!

    They're the best of all worlds (at least in my opinion)!

    Good luck :)

  7. Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers are a great medium dog breed, and they don't shed, if that matters. They can be stubborn but with the right training they are the best dogs. They are super friendly and great with other dogs and kids. There fur can be cut short so don't be mislead by the picture of them in shows. Here are a few great sites if your interested. They need a moderate amount of excersice, we take my dog on atleast 2 one mile walks a day but it really depends on your dogs personality. <-------thatsmy dog as a puppy!! <---- this is a great site for looking up any type of dog

  8. i have a border collie mix. she is very intelligent, but the moment i leave her she tears things to shreds. she is also very very hyper , but after i got her spayed she calmed down a bit. but overall she is very loving. gets along well with other dogs fine, and is good with kids.

    i also have a lab mix. He is also very very smart and even knows what i mean when i spell out BATH. lol. Overall id say he is a good dog to have , but mine is a bit dominant. i dont know if thats the breed or just him though.

  9. Umm a Labrador Retriever

    they are so sweet and they love you so much

    but german shepards,..

    you have to be very very strict with them and they take alot of attention time and training..

  10. Border collies are amazing dogs. they are very smart, friendly, outgoing, but you are right, if they are not trained properly, they could end up trying to herd you. he could end up thinking you are the livestock and he can control you. The thing with them is that they are happy when they are doing something, so they should never be bored, or they can be a mess. You need a lot of time to excesses this dog. They are very good with dogs, children and most strangers (unless someone is posing a threat against you, your dog will protect you.) They are prone to deafness and epilepsy. The Labrador has very similar characteristics as the border collie. They need a lot of exercise as well, because they can become over weight very easily. they shed short, thick hair, so you will see it's hair on your clothes. very energetic dog, you will also need to train it to become convenient for a pet, and so it could respect you and your limits. a hyperactive dog should never be a cute/funny thing. it's very bad when your dog cant control his excitement. labs are not prone to anything life threatening, more so hip dysplasia and eye disorders. Golden retrievers are loving dogs, they love absolutely anything. they have to be around people or they can become destructive. they have the same exercise needs as the lab, and they can also put on weight easily. Heart problems are commonly known for golden retrievers. good luck :)

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