
What kind of dogs can you take back to mexico,if any?

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What kind of dogs can you take back to mexico,if any?




  1. Any dog that has the proper vaccinations and a paper from the vet stating so.....

  2. soo, i think i'd say..the Taco Bell chuiwahawah, because he's mexican..mabeyy haha. whatever happened to that dog..i personally think someone killed him haha

  3. I don't believe that you will have any problem taking a dog into Mexico.  In my experience, taking mine into Mexico they've never paid any attention to them.  However, bringing them back into the States will require a vets OK and the required form.  The vet gives you that when they examine the dog.

  4. LOL , any kind i guess ?!

    a chuiwahawah.

  5. Flew my Doberman from Atlanta to Acapulco - no problema !

  6. the tacobell dog

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