
What kind of dream does a blind person have?

by  |  earlier

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truly curious




  1. never thought of it, interesting

  2. I haven't thought about it, interesting.

  3. wow i ve never thought about that. Thats a good question maybe u should ask a blind person one day...  

  4. I'm sure they don't perceive things as sighted people do unless they were sighted at 1 time but I'm sure that ,just because they are blind. it doesn't mean they are missing an imagination. I'm sure their dreams are just as glorious or dreadful as ours. I would ask my father-in-law but I know what his answer would be " Well that's a stupid question" in his suthun accent. I think its a good query, but we won't tell him.

  5. If they were born blind, then their dreams would consist of sounds.

    If they obtained it after they were born, they might have dreams pertaining to what they have seen before, or have dreams like the one above.

  6. this is a SAD question.

  7. not real sure what a blind person dreams of if they were born without sight, but people who have had sight and go blind dream the same as people who have sight.  

    they also see things that are strange when awake,  we have a couple patient  that desribe things like very colorful flowers. pink or purple spiders, and the Dr explains to them that it is the mind making them see those things because it wants to see so bad that it makes up things to see.

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