
What kind of dream is this?

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I had a cool dream last night..I could feel touches and do what I wanted, for the most part. I could feel peoples hugs, and I made it so I was rolling on the ground in a

I could basically feel EVERY THING.

But I woke up when I got close to something good, then without realizing it, I fell back asleep and it continued..Then I woke up a bit later and couldn't retrieve the dream.


I want those dreams to last forever.




  1. Well, who does not want good dreams?

    However, your dream reflects some needs in you.  The hugging, and touching part shows sign of need of relationship, physical attraction that is.  That reflects what you don't get in life.  That is why in dream they look beautiful and you felt so real because subconsciously you wanted that happen in waking life.  That is a symbol of love you are looking for.

    You can't retrieve the dream because they are from your subconscious mind.  Many times we can't deliberately dream of things we desire unless you have the ability to do lucid dreaming.

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