
What kind of dreams are usually associated with death??

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What kind of dreams are usually associated with death??




  1. If it's your best friend that died it could simply mean that a part of that character that you posses from the friend could be dying only inside of you. In other words, a possible minor personality change.

  2. I might be wrong, but these are the things that I heard.

    If the person whom you see in your dream, did not talk at all, that means he/she is dead.

    If you dream of getting married, or becoming pregnant, that's not a good sign, something bad might happen.

  3. I've heard this from a lot of people. They say that if you have this person in your dream with you, and something bad happened in that dream but that person didn't react, this person might be in danger. But if the person was there, but that person was crying or showing sadness. This person might die or already dead.

    I don't know. But I heard this from a lot of people.

  4. Nice question.  The above answerers are partially right.  Pregnancy is an indicator of bad times to come, not necessarily death.  Even dying in a dream has nothing to do with anyone dying in real life.  It actually means that the person dying will live long and the perpetrator will benefit the victim.  The following do indicate a forthcoming death:

    Marriage when not associated with an upcoming or recent wedding in real life  or wherein the bride or groom is unknown DOES bespeak of death.  

    Teeth falling out of one's mouth with no sign of blood bespeaks of death especially of family members. If there is blood, the dream becomes null and void as all such dreams like this are.

    Seeing a sick person leave his home bespeaks of death.  

    Scissors falling from the sky bespeaks of death.  

    Giving clothes to a dead person bespeaks of death.  

    If a dead person comes in a dream and informs the living of an upcoming death, his words are true.  There will be a death.  

    Selling a house bespeaks of death.  

    Drowning in an agitated sea bespeaks of death.  

    If a handle of a sword breaks, it bespeaks of death.

    Seeing the door of a home broken bespeaks of a near death.

    Groaning in a dream announces the coming of death.

    Seeing oneself crying and then laughing in a dream bespeaks of death.

    Dreaming of ejaculation or seeing sperm without the presence of a woman bespeaks of death.

    Folding a carpet in a dream bespeaks of death.

    Seeing the earth fold up on oneself bespeaks of death.

    Torn clothing announces an upcoming death.

    A dried up tree announces death.

    A broken, wounded or cut arm can announce death.

    A dream of burglary can announce death.

    A hood covering the face can indicate forthcoming death.

    Standing at a crossroads can mean crossing from life to death but can also indicate other transitions.

    To demolish or see something demolished can also announce death.

    In somes cases lightning striking a person or house foretells death among other things.

    The desert foretells death..

    Thread being cut can bespeak of death.

    Faded flowers can point to death.

    If the furnishings of a home are placed upside down, this can announce death.

    Let me see. let me see......

    A damaged loom.  Seeing something mutilated.  A painter in the house and finally an eclipse is indicative of an upcoming death.

    Now please consider the above need to be seen in light of the other events in the dream, its context.  For some of the above, there's a straightforward link between seeing, for example a tooth falling out in a bloodless manner and death.  This is certain, however, for dreams, for example of lightning, the meaning may indicate death, however, it can also indicate recovery from illness and even for the miserable relief and blessings to come.  So the context is most important and the knowledge as well of the interpreter.

    I enjoyed answering this question.  Kinda clarified a few things for me.


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