
What kind of education is required to become a preschool teacher?

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What kind of education is required to become a preschool teacher?




  1. It depends. A churches preschool, probably not much. At least an associates but most now want a bachelor's degree.

  2. least three years

  3. depends where you live ,just ask the coolage or uni you wont to go to  and they will be able to give you all and the best information you need ,and when you start studying you can email me and i would love to help you with any question your stuck on ,its like a hobby know to teach and care for children  :)

  4. In most states you don't need any formal education. You do not need a Bachelor's degree, that much is true! You may need a certificate or first aid training. The best thing to do is to call a preschool in your area and just ask what is required in your state. Or, you could do a google search for preschool requirements in your state!

    Good Luck!

  5. 12 ECE units, just being enrolled in 3 classes can get you a job. As long as you are enrolled it counts. You just have to have 12 units to be a lead teacher anything less you have to be a teachers aide. Which means you can only count for 3 kids with a fully qualified teacher. With 12 units you count for 12 kids and can be alone. The classes you need are Home and Community, Early Child development, Child Psychology, some elective classes like Music and Movement, and Anti-Bias Perspective. You can pick and choose between some but make sure you check out whats required.

  6. Depends on the state, the preschool, and who is funding it. It generally takes being 18 and having a hs diploma for daycare.

    To be a real quality preschool teacher for places like Head Start, they generally want you to have an associates degree or higher in Early Childhood Education or similar. Or be willign to go back to school for it.

    I taught Head Start for 5 years, have AA in ECE, minor in sign language interpreting and focus on special ECE.

  7. It depends on the state you live in and the school's qualifications. Most schools ask that Teachers have a maximum of 12 Early Child Development units. Others ask that a teacher have an AA or BA.

  8. To be an actual preschool teacher, you would probably need a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education, at least that is how it is around here. We have a liscensure program that is PreK-3.

  9. Less than it takes to be President!!!

  10. you will need classes in early childhood education. in California it's at least 12 units in the core classes to be in a room with 12 children. the state offers certificate programs with is 12 units and 50 days of work experience for an associate teacher certificate. to work in a state preschool such as options or head start they require an associated if not higher.

  11. To get a job in any daycare you don't need a degree, but your stuck in a low paying job. To get a job working for a school district or Private acdemy, you need at least an Associates in ECE (early childhood education.) You need to take all the basic classes, English, Science -Biology, Environmental science, and one Chemistry class all with labs. Math-Pre-Algebra, Intermediate Algebra. History, Earth sciences, Anthropology, Geology, Geography, one foreign language, Cultural Diversity, and all the ECE classes, like: Art in the Preschool classroom, Math in the Preschool classroom, Parent communications, Dealing with LD students, Childern's Literature, etc. Two year program.

  12. Where we live, not much education is required to become a preschool teacher, except for a few training classes. No college! However, if you have your child in certain preschools, they do require a bachelor's in education. All the public schools in our area that have pre-k require the actual teacher to have a B.A. or higher in education, and the assistants need to be certified as well.

  13. I am taking college classes to become a preschool teacher.  Right now i am working on an associates degree in Early Childhood education which is a two year degree.  I recently learned however that a four year degree is required for most jobs as teachers.  If not now, they will be in a few years.

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