
What kind of electrical switch can i buy to turn a speaker on/off?

by Guest45049  |  earlier

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and how do i set it up




  1. With speakers there is a little more than just on/off.  Most amplifiers don't like having a load switched off. Some computers will allow it mostly because they are very low power but large systems won't!  You really need a "Speaker Switch" which will load the system when the speaker is switched off.

    You can find these at electronics stores, stereo stores, etc I think even at Radio Shack.  Don't even think of just a standard off/on switch unless you like costly repairs.

    You can make one using a double throw, double pole switch with an 8 ohm resistors (large enough for the amp) but if you are asking this question its not the way to go!

    Here are some examples of what is available.

  2. just use a toggle switch. Just make sure you don't flip it on and off very quickly, and when you switch it back on try not to have the volume to loud.

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