
What kind of energy efficient light bulb will work in a bathroom fan?

by  |  earlier

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i noticed a question earlier, the answers mostly dealt with large room ceiling fans. my problem is a bathroom exhaust fan. i put a mini-cfc, but the vibration of the fan was making the light flicker so much i had to replace it. so, i was wondering if there was any special vibration resistant, (i've seen the incandescent vibration resistant bulbs), in the cfc, or is there another option.

(this is a regular base, but smaller globe sized fan)




  1. appliance bulbs might be more sturdy.

    but don't produce a lot of light.

    if there is another light source that you can use when you need more light, that might be the way to go.

  2. I solved this problem by simply leaving the light and fan off. It uses far less energy than any alternative and makes draining the lizard a bit of an adventure. Of course, the maid is a bit peaved, from time to time and one's eyes can water a bit. But there can be no quarter in the war on Global Warmin'.

  3. why dunt you get an energy savor.....small incandesent ones with high output... vibration wont harm them, unless its so bad that the glass breaks....   or u can also padd the sides of the holder using a heat resistent foam.

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