
What kind of excises can i do to strengthen my arms for volleyball?

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im pretty small so it's a bit harder for me to serve the ball over the net. i mean, i have the technique down, but i need more strength in my arms. what kind of things i do to strengthen them?




  1. I would say push-ups and weight lifting

  2. What you can do is, lift weights, push up's, pull ups, abut dont only work on that. You also need to use your abs, so do ab work. Im not even gonna lie, im taller so im stronger but i can not do a push up to save my life. So instead i work om ab's. You can lie flat on the ground with your legs and arms straight out. Then lift your shoulders and head off the ground and then your feet and then hold it. It hurts like wow, but it works.

  3. Like the first answerer said, make sure that you actually have the technique down, and really LISTEN to what your coach says.  I coach, and size really doesn't matter that much when it comes to serving.  If you have the correct technique, you can get it over.  I had a little bitty 6th grader manage my team last year, and I always let the managers serve and practice some with the team, and she was a terrific server.  Much better than some of the taller girls.  So yes, lifting weights will help you be stronger in general, and are good for you, but make sure that you truly have an understanding of the technique.  Hope that helps, and good luck!! :o)

  4. scoops they are like pushups but you roll your body when coming up i no they sound easy. they are anything but

  5. push ups and if u have a bar chin ups

  6. biseb push-ups and free weights

  7. I would use free weights and do push ups.  These will help strengthen your upper body.  Also, ask your coach if you really have the technique down, I played volley ball for a while and when I first started I got the concept, but I wasn't following through properly.  Practice Practice Practice.

  8. i play volleyball and you can do bicep push-ups or just regular can get a partner or just by yourself and jump over the net to touch the other person's hand or just high enough on a wall...

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