
What kind of exercises should i be doing?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 6'2'' 177lbs. and i have a little bit of a stomach and some love handles. id like to lose those.


could someone tell me "how many of whats" or how far to run, and how often, as far as a workout plan. Put it in numbers please

i already know about eating right




  1. well it all depends on how often you have previously worked out and how healthy you are heart wise and such. FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES AFTER A FULL MEDICAL EXAM ONLY!!! But you could start by walking everyday or everyother day and maybe strength training a little bit you can go to a fitness center and workout a few times a week for an hour or so. But consult with your doctor and maybe have a personal trainer help you (if you can't afford it there is tons of help on the web) at the very least walk a little bit everyday and then after a few weeks progress into running you do not need to "tone up" before you can start strength training.  The secret to weight loss is easy burn off more calories than you take in. so hopefully this will help you a little bit. if you need a little more help you can just e-mail me @

    I am a certified personal trainer through AFPA. Member number 61718

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